shittyhair 2.0

117 21 7

Kirishima's eyes cracked open slightly. He was on the ground, his eyes staring at the ceiling. There was a weight on his chest. 

He tried to sit up, but his face flushed once he saw the young girl sleeping soundly on his chest, her body rising and falling together with his. As if she sensed the extra movement, her long eyelashes fluttered and her eyelids popped open. 

"Morning," Kirishima said hoarsely, his eyes still glued on the girl in front of him. She sprang away from the crimson-haired boy, her face mirroring his, "EIJROU! I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO-"

Kirishima's lips cracked into a huge smile as he rubbed the back of his head, "No, you're all good! Look at what you did! You kicked over the popcorn."

True to his word, there was a toppled bowl of popcorn laying by Y/N's feet. The girl's face morphed from embarrassment to indignation, "That wasn't me!"

"Was too! It's right by your feet, dumbass."

"Call me that again, I dare you."

"DUMBASSS DUMBASS DUMBASS!" he chanted, dodging the objects Y/N was currently hurling at him. As he ran around the house, his hair tickled his forehead, reminding him of last night. 

"Eijirou, we need to dye your hair," Y/N said, reaching up and patting his black roots.

She was running after him, a whole bunch of metal parts flying after her. Eijirou let out a loud laugh upon seeing the huge smile etched onto her face. Lugging the metal popcorn bowl, she directed it at his head. Kirishima hardened his skin as the remaining popcorn spilled out of the bowl and into the once spotless hallway. 

Propelling herself up, Y/N was momentarily airborne as she crashed onto the boy, metal parts and all. Kirishima's eyes widened as he pulled her out of the metal, "Y/N! Are you hurt?"

The girl's head whipped up. A small incision was on her face, but otherwise, she was unscathed. A metal spoon then fell onto Kirishima's head, causing him to wince and massage the injured area. 

"I GOT YOU!" the girl jumped up triumphantly, holding the metal spoon up like a trophy, "I finally got a hit on you!"

The crimson-haired boy looked at her with half amusement and half disbelief. 

"You could've gotten seriously hurt from that and you're smiling."

"Aw, come on! Don't be dramatic," she laughed, "Besides, I didn't get hurt." Wiping the small traces of blood off her face, she slapped a grin back on her face, "Weren't we going to dye your hair today?"

She tugged on Kirishima's strands, dragging him around as he tried not to hiss in pain, "Kiri, Kiri, Kiri, Kiriiiiiii. What's for breakfast? Are we going out to eat?"

"You're just going to get us kicked out again," Kirishima muttered pulling his hair away from the girl who loosened her grip in feigned anger. The boy took this chance and pounced onto her, yanking fistfuls of hair, causing her to slap furiously at him. 

"I'm going to pull out a strand of your hair for every one you pulled out of my scalp," Kirishima snickered, gesturing to the fallen red hairs on the floor, "One!" he plucked out a hair, causing Y/N to shriek, "Two!" 

"STOP! EIJIROU I'M GOING BALD!" she shrilled, clawing at Kirishima's hands. 


"I'M SORRY, ALL OF EIJIROU'S FALLEN COMRADES ON THE FLOOR," she pleaded. The boy finally let go of her scalp and sat back with satisfaction, "Great. Now, do you want to go out to eat?"

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