bananas in the fridge

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i do not know how to cook so pls do not judge me

A soft knock sounded at the guest bedroom door. When she didn't respond, Kirishima opened the door slightly, allowed a small crack of light in, "Y/N? Are you okay

She stirred and groggily sat up. Her hair fell messily over her shoulders and she checked the time. It was well after noon.

"I didn't mean to sleep so late-"

"You're fine. I only woke up not ten minutes ago. I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I was just worried. The one time I got a burn, I had a bad fever that lasted like three days. I swear I almost died or something. I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay."

He slapped his hand on her forehead, causing her to open her mouth in shock. He shot her a toothy grin, "No fever for you!"

Clambering out of the bed, Y/N almost tripped on the lengthy pant leg. Kirishima's hands shot out to catch her in case she did.

"I have to train in the backyard. Come get me if you need me!" he said skipping out the door.

Y/N followed him, "Have you eaten?"

"NOPE. I usually go out to lunch with my friends and then I'll have ramen at night. OH YEAH! YOU NEED BREAKFAST, RIGHT? WANT TO GO OUT FOR FOOD?"

The girl shook her head, "I can cook if you want me to."

His eyes lit up with excitement, "Really? Well, help yourself to anything in the fridge. Not that there is too much-" he trailed off nervously.

"I'll see what I can make with what we have."

The two trailed to the kitchen and Kirishima swung the fridge open. Inside sat a lonely stick of butter, an unopened canister of greek yogurt, several eggs, and three bananas. She plucked the bananas out and raised an eyebrow, "Seriously? Bananas in the fridge?"

"Sorry," he rubbed his neck sheepishly, "There isn't much you can make-"

"Let's make banana bread," she said, surveying the scarce resources, "I think we have the right things for it."

Kirishima fetched the little bag of flour and poured some into a clean bowl while Y/N peeled the bananas and mashed them with a fork. While Kirishima was figuring out how to mix flour without making a mess, the girl had begun to mix the eggs and melted butter into the bananas. She scooped out a spoonful of greek yogurt and plopped it into her smooth concoction.

While they were combining the ingredients, Kirishima and Y/N talked. They talked about the weather, their favorite foods, and basically, anything that came to mind. Despite her uncertainty, Y/N had begun to enjoy being in the company of Kirishima Eijirou.

His sunshine personality went together nicely with hers and as much as she hated to admit it, he was really funny. The way that Y/N could read him like a book gave her some peace of mind. This boy didn't seem capable of hurting anyone and his outgoing, happy-go-lucky temperament definitely made her want to trust him.

"Are your arms doing okay? We should change the bandages soon," Kirishima said. His hair was lazily tied up in a man bun and he had to hug the overly large bowl of flour while mixing to make sure it doesn't go flying.

Y/N nodded and took the flour from him and began adding her liquid mixture into the dry ingredients. The mashed banana dropped into the bowl, causing a cloud of dust to erupt in her face. Kirishima took one glance at her dusty profile and burst into raucous laughter.

Shooting him a dirty look, Y/N brushed the powder off of her face and aimed a small kick at Kirishima's shins. She angrily mixed, but was careful not to disturb the flour so much this time.

"Hold on, Y/N, you've still got flour here."

He leaned close; so close in fact she could feel his breathes tickling her forehead. He brushed something out of her hair and cleaned off her face with his thumb. The scent of his faint cologne danced in the air, causing Y/N to turn bright red.

"E- Eijirou-"

Kirishima sprang back, blushing a furious pink, "I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! I'M SORRY!"

"It's- You're fine," she looked away, trying to hide her reddened face, "Let's just finish up."

Finally, the mixture was turned into a thick, tan batter. The kitchen smelled faintly of bananas and little piles of flour was on the floor. Kirishima grabbed a broom and began sweeping as she popped the bread into the oven.

While it baked, she grabbed a dirty dish and began cleaning. Kirishima took it out of her hands, "We need to check your arms. Come on."

He gently pushed her onto the couch and rolled her sleeves up. She could start to see her blood begin to seep through the thick bindings.

"You must've moved around a lot in your sleep. You need to be still," Kirishima chastised, applying a fresh round of antiseptic. The sting was five times worse than last night, "how did you even get these?"

She stayed silent as she watched him. He paused and looked up, his face serious the first time since she had met him, "Where did you come from? How did you get these burns?"

"I- I'm not ready."

Sighing, he lowered his head and resumed, "I'll respect that, but you'll have to tell me eventually."

The two didn't talk until he finished wrapping her arms up, "I'll check the banana bread."

Now that he's mentioned it, the sweet smell of bananas had began wafting up from the kitchen. It was a pleasant and comforting scent. But her mind was racing.

She would have to tell Kirishima everything one day.

"It's ready! Come eat," the smile was back on his face as he held up the tin of bread with a gloved hand. Y/N offered him a small smile and stood up.

"Let's eat."

Who knew banana bread could build a friendship?

She just hoped that their friendship would still be there even when she told him who she was.

She just hoped that their friendship would still be there even when she told him who she was

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