pretty little maid

152 22 22

"Oh, you're already up?"

The rays of early morning sunshine illuminated the sparkly clean kitchen. A vase of daffodils was sitting on the marble countertop. Y/N was standing at the table, kneading rice around tuna and daikon. She had the front of her hair pulled up into a small ponytail and she was wearing Kirishima's cheesy 'kiss the chef' apron that he thought he would never find again.

"Y/N, you didn't have to do this," Kirishima rubbed his eyes groggily as he surveyed the newly organized room. Y/N pushed him toward a chair, "You helped me so it's only right if I return the favor."

She slid a plate of onigiri and a glass of juice at him, "You get up really late. Do you not eat breakfast?"

"Don't have the time," he smiled and thanked her for the food. Picking up a rice ball, he took a large bite, face lighting up with surprise, "THIS IS GOOD!"

"Did you expect it to suck?"

He choked loudly, "I DIDN'T SAY THAT!"

"I was kidding."

Y/N turned around to walk away but Kirishima grabbed her wrist, "Thank you again. You really didn't have to do this."

She was silent for a few seconds before replying, "Your fingers are sticky."

"OH SORRY!" he boomed, peeling his fingers away from her arm. She unloaded the dishwasher and began placing them in their respective cabinets.

He chewed thoughtfully as he observed her, "Do you not go to school?"

"I choose not to."


They fell into a comfortable silence, where the only sound was the occasional clatter of dishes. The blinds were open for the first time, letting in warm sunshine for illumination instead of the usual electricity.

Kirishima shoved the last bite of rice into his mouth. The empty plate and glass was immediately whisked away into the sink and Y/N was quickly ushering the crimson-haired boy out of the seat.

"Have you eaten?" He asked.

The girl shook her head. Kirishima crossed his arms, "You need to. You can help yourself to anything here," he scolded, "Also if you can't find anything you want, you can use my parent's spare debit card that's located at the bottom drawer of my nightstand. I go grocery shopping like once a week but I usually just get ramen and stuff. I'm not a big cooker."

"Why would you tell me where you keep your money?"

The boy turned and began heading into his room, "I trust you!"

His positive personality was so contagious that Y/N felt the tips of her mouth turn up slightly. She also felt bad for him. Based on his tales, his parents were extremely negligent; always giving him money and then disappearing off the face of the earth.

She sat down on his couch and began ruffling through the large pile of papers on the coffee table. Most of them contained messily copied notes and extensive training regimens. A few were letters to his parents, but every single one of those had dark scribbles drawn over the words. Y/N placed those at the bottom and sat the stack back on the coffee table.

"Y/N! My friends asked whether they can come over to study and train. Are you okay with that?"

The girl ogled him, "Isn't this your house?"

"YEAH, but I didn't want you to be uncomfortable. Are you smart? Maybe you can help us train and study if your arms aren't hurting!"


𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀/𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶𝗿𝗼𝘂Where stories live. Discover now