frolics of the ua hero saplings

89 14 7

"Eijirou, for the last time, we don't need five tubs of chocolate ice cream! Didn't we already decide that we're going to use pre-packaged cones and ice cream sandwiches? They're more practical and less messy," Y/N protested, snatching the ice cream out of Kirishima's hands and placing them back on the shelves.

Kirishima crossed his arms and stuck his bottom lip out in a pout, "But what if they're allergic to ice cream sandwiches?"

"I guarantee you, no one in your class is allergic to ice cream sandwiches. I had Mina check allergies before we got here!"

Y/N was out shopping for the sleepover that class 1-a was going to have at Kirishima's house. She, Mina, and Kirishima have been planning this for around a week or so now. The two UA students have gone around, asking everyone in their class if they wanted to participate. Some were more reluctant than others but soon, everyone agreed. 

"Since when did Mina and you get so close?" Kirishima groaned, placing the ice creams back where he found them. He moved all the popcorn and drinks to make room for the ice cream sandwiches. 

Y/N tossed several boxes of mochi in the cart, "That one time she came over, we exchanged numbers. We talk almost every day."

It was early evening, the sun still decently high up in the sky. The second Kirishima had gotten home from training, both of them headed directly to the grocery store. Mina's mom had agreed to drive them back home due to the large amounts of food they were planning on buying. 

"You're saying that we don't need five tubs of chocolate ice cream, but we do need seven bags of spicy chips?" Kirishima raised his eyebrow, pulling a bag of chips from the cart. 

Y/N sighed, giving him a pointed look, "Bakugou threatened to blow my nose off if I didn't provide seven bags of this certain brand of spicy chips. You said so yourself, he's a pretty scary lad."

Just then, a ping came from Y/N's phone.

"Mina's outside," she notified. Kirishima began pushing their cart containing the outrageous amount of snacks to the checkout counter. 

Kirishima handed the cashier the credit card and began heaving the full bags of snacks back into the cart. 

"Thank you!" Y/N said to the cashier before following her red-haired friend out. Ashido Mina stood behind the trunk of a red car, waving to them. As Y/N passed the car windows, she saw the face of Kaminari Denki peering at her. 

Mina began to throw the bags into the trunk, "I brought Kaminari with me, I hope you don't mind."

"AYE! Y/N! LONG TIME NO SEE!" he peeked his head out of the backseat with a wave of greeting. 

Lifting her hand, Y/N waved back with a smile, "Not long enough!"

"Alright. I think we've got everything," Kirishima said, pushing Y/N into the car, "Hurry up, the ice cream is going to melt."

Mina's mother was sitting in the driver's seat with a huge grin. She had the same fluffy hair and pink skin as Mina. 

"Are we all good to go?"

"YES MA'AM!" Kaminari shouted, pumping his in the air before Mina's mom sped out of the parking lot. 

Arriving in front of Kirishima's house, she hopped out to help to unload the snack food. 

"What do you need seven bags of spicy chips for?" Mina cocked her head, sifting through your purchases. 

Y/N picked up Mina's overnight bag and a bag of sour candy, "Bakugou threatened me."

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