so long, goodbye

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"Kirishima Eijirou, you're under arrest for the suspicion of conspiring with the League of Villains. Anything you say can and will be used against you," a horde of police officers were waiting outside his house. Clicking handcuffs on his wrists, he pushed the red-haired teen into the police car. Kirishima didn't resist, as he was basically getting a free ride to where he needed to go anyways. 

His teacher, Pro-hero Midnight sat beside him, disapproval showing blatantly in her eyes. 

"Good evening, Kirishima."

"Good evening, Sensei." he said flatly.

The usual flirtatious hero was serious, her hands clenched tightly in her lap, "Ashido, Bakugou, and Sero are going to be meeting us. They said they were going to defend you."


"This will be over shortly if you tell the truth, you hear? You're a good kid," Midnight whispered as she pat his head. He flinched at the sudden contact. Midnight quickly took her hand away after seeing his reaction and both of them were silent for the remainder of the ride. 


"Out you go, Kirishima," Midnight said, pulling the boy out of the car behind her. Kirishima kept his head down. He felt someone grasp his arm, offering a comforting squeeze. He flit his eyes up to see Mina holding onto him protectively, despite the officers hollering at her to get back. Soon, Sero and Bakugou joined his side, carefully guarding him. 

Sero fist-bumped his back, "We're right here." while Bakugou just cursed at the reporters, scaring them away, "Damn extras," he mumbled, "I'll throttle them."

The four students and their teacher were escorted to the interrogation room. Three people were already sitting inside.  Pro-hero Eraserhead, an investigator, and another hero Kirishima didn't recognize. Upon seeing his face, Aizawa looked away. He could tell that everyone was extremely tense.

"Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Bakugou Katsuki," the detective said, "Please, take a seat."

They did what they were told. Mina's arm was still fastened around Kirishima's. He could tell that she's slightly trembling. The silence was thick as everyone pulled out chairs to sit in.

"This is the Lie Detector Hero- Truth," the detective introduced. Truth gave a polite nod.

He shuffled the index cards in his hands, "I'm going to ask questions and you're going to answer them, alright?"

Kirishima nodded stiffly. 

"I'm going to have you look up into Truth's eyes when you answer. Are you ready?"

He nodded again. 

"You've been accused of cooperating with the League of Villains, and you've housed an unknown member inside your house, correct?"

"Yes, sir," Kirishima said, looking up into Truth's eyes. The hero turned to the detective, "Truth."

The detective cleared his throat, "And I presume that none of you knew her true identity until it was shown on tv, correct?"

"Yes," all four of them answered simultaneously. Truth nodded at the detective. Kirishima was shocked to see Bakugou behaving so docily.

"Has she ever hurt anyone in front of you?" he asked. 

Kirishima shook his head, fidgeting slightly. His handcuffs were chafing his wrists, irritating them to no end. 

The questions kept coming, and the four kept answering. They were truthful, and when Truth confirmed that, the detective seemed shaken. He genuinely seemed upset that he couldn't make villains out of the four teens. With every question, their innocence seemed to be inching closer. Midnight and Aizawa both looked relieved as the questions went on. 

"So, it seems you're all... innocent," the interrogator said, standing up. Pro-hero Truth offered Kirishima a reassuring smile as he got up too. 

"Thank you," Aizawa said, his eyes now focused on Kirishima. Mina's grip on him loosened and she waved slightly at Truth. The moment the door closed, Aizawa started speaking, "Kirishima, Y/N has been sentenced to death."

Everyone in the room froze. The light disappeared from Mina's eyes as she stopped. Sero looked up with disbelief, "When?"

"Right now."

Kirishima sprang up, panic rising, "Where? Aizawa, tell me where!" his eyes were dialating as his breaths sped up.

"Down the hall, turn a right and then keep going straight. You'll see her."

Tumbling out of the room, he ignored the cries of his classmates. He could hear a loud ringing in his ears as he ran, crashing into the staff. Turning left, he saw a large group of people standing in front of a transparent enclosure. Guards were surrounding the perimeter, stopping anyone from entering too far 

The boy pushed to the front, and there she was, strapped to a chair like an animal. Her bindings were made of electricity, zapping her if she moved too much. The same electricity secured her to the chair, stopping her from moving. 

"Oi, you're not allowed past-" a guard stepped in front of the boy, shielding his view. Kirishima just about went insane, hardening his skin and barreling through. Suddenly, his skin softened and three guards grabbed him. 

"Kirishima, you are out of line!" Aizawa said, panting. His hair was sticking straight up and his eyes were glowing a fearsome red. 

"Please," he shouted, his voice cracking with stress, "She's not a bad guy!"

"She's murdered people, kid," the guard grunted, clearly having a hard time with Kirishima. 

He shoved at the guards, fighting against his teachers and restrainers. His hand reached out for her, clawing at the glass while he shouted himself hoarse, begging god to just, please, take him instead of her. When she saw him, her eyes widened and she began struggling too, trying to free herself from her electrical shackles. It buzzed thrreatningly, sending tremors throughout her body. Tears leaked from her eyes as the two tried to get to each other. 

A hero Kirishima had never seen before entered the pristine room. Pulling rubber gloves on, the hero turned toward Y/N with a huge smirk on his face, "So long, villain. Goodbye."

Before she was completely obscured by his large form, their eyes locked. 

Her eyes said what words could not. 

'I'm sorry.'

Then, just like that, his world went dark. 


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