the promise he bears

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short chapter today :)


Kirishima fidgeted under his girlfriend, trying to make himself comfortable. Y/N was laying on his chest, trying to focus on the romance film currently playing, casting occasional glances at her phone.

"Kiss me," the main character on the tv said dramatically, falling into her lover's arms. The man stooped down, passionately kissing his lips.

Y/N tilted her head backward, her half-lidded eyes gazing what she hoped was seductively into Kirishima's red ones.

"Kiss me," she purred, a playful twinkle in her eyes. as she mocked the woman on the tv. Kirishima cupped her chin with his hand, lowering his head and pressing a heated kiss to her lips. He felt Y/N smile into the kiss, letting out a breathy laugh.

Nestling back into Kirishima, her focus back on the movie. The boy exhaled slowly, trying to calm his nerves. Even though he's been dating Y/N for over a month now, he still gets the same kind of butterflies when mustering himself to do something cute for her. 


"Kiri? Why do you need to know how to make a ring? You're not proposing to 'you know who' are you? It's a little early for that," Sero hissed, shooting glares around making sure no one was eavesdropping.

Kirishima shook his head, a light pink blush creeping to his cheeks, "No, nothing like that. I just want to make a promise to her. And I'll seal it with a promise ring!"


No matter how hard he tried, he could not concentrate on the movie in front of him. 

"Eijirou? What're you worried about? I can feel your heartbeat."

Kirishima internally slapped himself after realizing that his girlfriend indeed could hear his beating heart while laying on his torso. She turned around to face him, placing both of her palms on his chest, "Wanna recreate that scene?" she cocked her head over to the tv screen. 

The main couple was dancing in the rain, their hair and clothes soaked all the way through. However cold they must be, they had huge smiles on their face nonetheless. 

"But there isn't any rain."

Y/N shrugged, "Then we can wait until there is rain."

Kicking her legs up on the ottoman, she licked the candy that was in her hand, "So? Gonna tell me what's got my little bitty, itsy bitsy, ushy gushy sweetheart worried?" Batting her eyelashes, she laughed loudly at Kirishima's fed-up expression.

Shoving the girl to the side, he stood straight up in a way that even Iida would be proud of. Dropping down on one knee, he whipped a ring out of his pocket. 

"Y/N! WILL YOU HEAR ME OUT?" he hollered, his face and ears turning as red as his hair.

Y/N was taken aback at his sudden outburst, "You didn't have to-"

"WILL YOU HEAR ME OUT?" he repeated, trying to keep his expression stoic. 


Kirishima stood up and scratched his head with a grin, "I didn't know how else to ask you-"

"You scared the absolute shit out of me."

The boy sighed dramatically, "Does the thought of marrying me scare you so much?"

"We're sixteen."

Clearing his throat, he pulled the ring out again, "Let's try this again."

Y/N looked down at the small piece of jewelry and threw her head back with a laugh. Instead of a gem, there was a small piece of orange, whittled sea glass messily wrapped with a black wire. 

"Y/N, ever since I've met you, I've been stronger, healthier, and most importantly, happier. Every little thing you do makes me fall in love with you all over again," Kirishima had begun to turn red, his gaze dropping down to his shoes. He suddenly felt extremely bashful. 

"I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you, and I want to be worthy of every bit of affection you cast my way, so I promise, whatever you will go through in the future, we will go through together. I promise to never judge you and I promise to bear everything you hurl at me like a man! If you're angry, take it out on me! If you're sad, cry on me! Laugh with me when you're happy! NOTHING WILL CHANGE THE WAY I FEEL ABOUT YOU!" he ended his promise with an awkward bow, sending Y/N into raucous laughter. 

Grabbing his head and pulling him to her chest, she ruffled his hair, "So you did get that orange piece of sea glass."

"I would cross the seven seas for you."

Kirishima took her hand and slid the ring on her finger and threw his hands in the air as if saying 'ta-da!'

"Did you make this yourself?"

"I did! It took me months to learn how to make one decently wearable! I had Sero teach me and I don't think he ever wants to see me again."

Y/N raised a hand to the light, admiring the way it shone through the glass, "I'll take you up on that promise."


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