the manliest confession

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Y/N had never once brought up what happened when Kirishima had the fever. He had a pretty good idea of what he said and what happened, but he cannot make himself ask her to tell him. 

Even just thinking about him made him blush with embarrassment. After all, he probably confessed his feelings. 

They say when you have a particularly bad fever, the things you never dared to admit just force themselves out with no filter; similar to being drunk, or high on drugs. No one could explain why this happened, but it did. 

Although Y/N tried to act completely normal, Kirishima could tell something was wrong. She always wore her heart on her sleeve and couldn't hide her thoughts even if she wanted to. 

He's confided in Kaminari, who had no advice to give, and Bakugou, who blasted him in the face and singed his hair. 

"GO CRY ABOUT IT OR SOMETHING!" Bakugou had said when Kirishima had asked. 

So now, Kirishima was asking Mina as a last resort, even though he knew exactly what she would say. 

"Just tell her!" Mina said, swinging her legs onto the desk, "She didn't deny it the last time Ochaco asked her."

"Right, but not denying does not mean certain love!" Kirishima protested, flailing his arms around in frustration. Mina popped a piece of gum in her mouth before slapping Kirishima's head spikes, "You dense idiot. Literally, everyone knows she likes you except for you! Ask anyone. Any of the girls. They'll give you the same answer. You gotta be manly-"

At that word, Kirishima perked. However weird it may seem, Kirishima wanted to seem manly. He wanted to seem strong, like Bakugou and Midoriya. 

"Is confessing the right thing to do?" Kirishima asked, "Does she even want to be with me?"

Mina puffed out, waving off his worries, "If you don't ask, you'll never know, will now?"

"I suppose you're right."


Y/N sat at home, organizing the spices like a suburban white mom. What can she say? It looked nice. 

"Chicken seasoning goes here," Y/N muttered to herself, scooting the other spices to the side, making room for the newest addition. Checking the time, she determined that there was still time to run out and get takeout as she didn't feel like cooking today. 

The girl dusted her hands off and slipped her feet into her sneakers before heading downtown.


"BAKUGOU! HIT ME WITH YOUR HOWITZER!" Kirishima said, forcing his muscle to harden. Soot and bruises littered his skin as his ash-blond friend stormed at him, an overly large explosion charging in his palm. Mr. Aizawa was yelling about not moving fast enough, mingling with the sounds of Mineta crying and screaming.

The explosion went off in Kirishima's face, causing him to fly ten feet backward. With a groan, he pushed himself up. Bakugou's chest was heaving and sweat was streaming down to his face, "Get the hell up. We're doing it again."

The haggard teacher wrapped his scarf around Bakugou's head, "Stop right there. Practice is ending. You need to go home."

Bakugou angrily pried the scarf off of him and stormed toward the changing rooms, cursing loudly enough for everyone to hear. Kirishima breathed a sigh of relief before following his friend.

He peeled off his costume and began pulling on the extra t-shirt and shorts he had brought.

 As he walked out the front door, he checked his phone, and he saw a message from Y/N. 

𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀/𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶𝗿𝗼𝘂Where stories live. Discover now