metal, tape, and some god forbidden explosions

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"How do you feel about a training session?" Kirishima looked up from his phone. The room was dark, with only the glow from their phones providing lighting.

"When?" she asked, pausing the video she was watching and looked up at him expectantly.

"..Right now?"

Y/N nodded, "Yeah, okay. Where?"

"The Bakugous. They have a near-indestructible gym that we can use. I've been wanting to try out some of my new moves."

Standing up, Y/N shed the fleece blanket and walked over stuck her feet into her sneakers. Summoning a fork, she formed it into three small balls, rolling them around above her palms, "I haven't used this quirk in so long. Think fast!"

She hurled the metal at Kirishima, who hardened immediately, deflecting her attack. However, in the split second she threw them, she had formed them into sharp, drill-like cylinders. Summoning them off of the floor, she molded them back into the smooth metal balls, "As expected of a UA student."

"Y/N that was so cool! You could definitely get into UA if you wanted!" Kirishima said, unhardening his skin and pulling his shoes on.

Y/N walked out of the door, waving her hand dismissively, "Maybe. But I don't want to."


The Bakugou's training gym was way grander than Y/N would've expected. Packed full of different terrains and objects, this place probably rivaled UA itself.

"So this is how you got so strong, eh?" Sero admired, following his friends. Bakugou didn't care enough to answer as he turned around, "Where the hell do you want to practice first?"

"Do you have anywhere you need to improve on?" Kirishima asked, clearly trying to be considerate, but Bakugou obviously did not see it like that.

"I'M GOOD AT EVERY DAMN TERRAIN! IF I NEEDED EXTRA PRACTICE, I WOULDN'T HAVE ASKED YOU!" he raged, explosions already beginning to go off in his palm.

Y/N didn't have enough eyes to take in everything in this gym. There were places such as a residential neighborhood and a sandy desert. A river lies at the far back and there was something similar to a mountain to her right.

"This is basically a mini USJ!" Kirishima said, "Okay! Let's practice on the normal ground. I have something I want to try."

Standing at the center, He hardened himself. Y/N could tell that he was pushing himself to go past his limits. He jumped up, digging his toes into the hard concrete floor. Y/N mouth dropped into an 'o' when she saw the concrete actually break, essentially allowing Kirishima to dig into it.

"Sero," Kirishima gave his friend a meaningful look. The boy nodded, shooting a strip of tape out, wrapping Kirishima with the sticky side. He began pulling, trying to uproot Kirishima, who held steady in the ground.

Y/N grinned, summoning a large hunk of discarded metal from the side and molding it into forty small blades, making them as sharp as she could manage, "Don't mind if I do."

Directing them to the crimson-haired boy, the blades began slicing relentlessly. Sero shot another piece of tape toward him, combining the two strips together.


The explosive blond gripped the tape and pulled. Kirishima held tightly, but Y/N can tell his body was softening. Combining all of the metal blades into a large ball, she hurled it at Kirishima, who was forced to re-harden his muscles. Repeatedly bashing the ball into his body, Y/N was shocked he was able to hold so tightly.

Finally, he let out a huge breath, his quirk finally de-activating. His body flopped to the side as he rolled over, chest heaving. Sero yanked his elbows away, severing the tape and leaving Kirishima bound on the floor. Y/N directed a small metal blade to cut an opening in the tape for when Kirishima had regained his energy.

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