what a lie

68 13 9

She could tell something was wrong before even opening the frantic messages both Kirishima and Mina had been sending her. 

Clicking their contact names, her heart dropped when she read them. 

tell me it's not true.
you wouldn't do something like this
turn on the tv.
I'm coming home rn
wait for me

fuck i can't do this right now
damn kirishima isn't letting me come find you.

Running to the tv, she clicked it open. Her face was plastered over the news. Skimming over the headlines, bile rose in her chest as she realized what they all said. 

"Finally identified the culprit of the murders that have been occurring on for over a year. 15-year-old Y/N L/N is on the run. If you've sighted her, or if you have any idea of her whereabouts, contact this number. Do not approach her, I repeat, do not approach her."

Her heartbeat increased as she scrambled around, desperate to make an escape before Kirishima came home. She wanted to be long gone when he came home, to protect him. The pros were certainly going to arrest him if they found out he was housing her. 

She didn't want to go. 

She wanted to stay with him, cheering him on from the tv screen like she said she would. 

Cursing herself, she began to walk out of the living room. She knew that this would happen, yet she settled down and left her guard down. She was supposed to leave Kirishima when her burned arms healed.

The door slammed and deep pants followed the thundering footsteps, "Y/N!"

He paused when he saw her. The tv was still blaring in the background. Kirishima opened his mouth, but immediately closed it when he saw her face. The way her features were twisted confirmed that she, in fact, did commit these murders.

"I guess Shiggy finally let the cat out of the bag. Did you want to know my past? Well, here it is!" she threw her hands out, "Didn't expect this, did you?"

Kirishima didn't say anything as he watched her look wistfully at him, "This was not how I wanted you to find out."

She began walking toward the door, but Kirishima blocked her way. Y/N felt her heart ache when she saw the hurt in his eyes, "You're going to leave?"

His quiet voice shook her to the core. She would've much rather have him yell, for him to attack her, but no. In his eyes were unbelievable disappointment and anguish. 


Y/N looked away, "The league threatened me. They said they would kill my sister if I didn't kill those people. Then she got sick and died, so I left."

Everything clicked into place. Why Y/N's arms were burned. They were the result of Dabi. The way her hair was forcibly cut was probably the work of Shigaraki. The way that she was dressed, the way that she reacted when someone reached out to help her. All the pieces were there, yet he couldn't put them together until it was too late.

Shaking his head, he spoke, "I- I've let you stay with me. The least I deserve is the truth." his voice shook, but he showed no signs of fear, "Who are you?" Walking forward, he held his arms out, like he was approaching a wounded animal. 

"The truth is, Eijirou, you're a hero and I'm a villain! This was never meant to work. God wouldn't have been so kind to me to pair me with someone who possesses such a beautiful soul without some sort of sick twist!"

Her breathing was ragged as she yelled at Kirishima. Large tears streaming down his pale face, "Then let him twist me! Let him twist me however he wants because fuck- I can't do this without you!" he yelled back. 

"I can't!" her voice cracked, "Your friends have seen me. They'll come for me. Hell, they'll probably come for you too and Eijirou, I'm not going to drag you down with me!"

"I DON'T CARE, Y/N," Kirishima practically begged, "I don't care. I promised, remember?"

Y/N shut her eyes and prayed that God will give her strength to say this one thing. Y/N L/N didn't have many regrets. She didn't regret killing those people to keep her sister alive, she didn't regret trying to escape, and she most certainly didn't regret falling in love with the boy in front of her. But, the thing that came out of her mouth next, she was certain that she was going to regret it for the rest of her life. 

"Let me go," she wouldn't meet his eyes, "I'm tired of your bullshit. I'm leaving."

Her words struck Kirishima like a knife, slicing through his heart. Y/N bit her lip, refusing to look up because she knew if she did, she wouldn't be able to do what she needed to. Kirishima just stood there, with his hands trembling by his side. Without saying anything else, she brushed past him and walked out of the house.

Before the door slammed behind her, she heard him say one more thing. 

"Now you're just contradicting yourself, Y/N."

Bolting down the streets, Y/N kept her hood up for two reasons. So people wouldn't recognize her from the news, and to prevent people from seeing the tears currently streaming out of her eyes. Shaking her head, she picked up speed. She kept running until her legs gave out. 


Kirishima was frozen from shock. He had laid down on the floor, refusing to move. Laying in a puddle of his own tears, he repeatedly cursed Y/N out, trying to stop the pained huffs that racked his body. 

His phone pinged along with Y/N's phone on the couch but he ignored it all. He didn't want to think anymore. 

"I thought you said you were going to take me up on that promise," he whispered, grasping a handful of his hair, "You dumbass, you're going to get caught."

The door slammed open and Mina's hoarse voice called for Y/N. She stopped short when she saw Kirishima on the floor. He looked up at his friend, two words leaving his lips, "She left."

Mina burst into tears, pulling Kirishima into a hug. Hearing Mina cry, a fresh wave of sobs returned to his tired body. They held each other tightly and rocked back and forth, tears staining both of their shirts. 

"I'm sorry, Kiri."


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