the prettiest flower in the meadow

73 14 2

"Where the hell are you taking me?" Kirishima had his hands on Y/N's shoulders, guiding the blindfolded girl onto the train. Her hands were stuck straight out in front of her, making sure she boyfriend wasn't internationally guiding her into a pole. 

Today marked a month of their relationship and Kirishima had insisted doing something special for their 'one monthsary'. 

"Is this a date?"

"Yeah, I think."

"Oh good, I was hoping you'd say that."

After sitting down, Kirishima tugged on a lock of her shoulder-length hair, "You can put your arms down now."

She was nestled into Kirishima's side, his arm draped lazily around her. Y/N could feel the train move underneath her, but she couldn't see where they were going. 

"We won't be here for long so you don't have to panic. I swear I'm not kidnapping you," he said nonchalantly, tracing circles onto Y/N's thigh. Y/n flicked his hand, "That's what all the kidnappers say."

"Can't argue with that."

True to his word, they were on the train for less than twenty minutes before Kirishima tapped her shoulder, "Time to get off."

Once again guiding her, he steered her away from the crowds and warning her about every curb and ditch as they walked. 

"We're going to head up a hill," Kirishima said, positioning himself in a way that would catch Y/N if she fell. 

"You don't have to narrate every action, you know that, right?"

"And let you ruin your pretty appearance by falling flat on your face?"

Y/N jabbed her elbow into Kirishima's waist, "Okay, okay! You would be gorgeous anyway! Oh, watch out, we're heading downhill."

He patiently waited as he helped her down, finally stopping at the foot of the hill. 

One finger hooking Y/N's blindfold, he announced their arrival, "We're here!"

With a swift motion, he pulled off the cloth, revealing the scenery. Y/N's mouth dropped when she saw. 

The two of them were standing in a valley, with a meadow of flowers in every color littering the beautiful green hills. At the very bottom, sat a little picnic basket on top of a red-checkered cloth. The sun was still fairly high, and the flowers and grass swayed slightly in the gentle wind. 

"It's so peaceful," Y/N breathed, her white dress billowing behind her, "You're amazing, Eijirou."

The red-haired boy smiled at her awestruck expression, "I thought you might like something like this."

She walked forward, basking in the sweet smell of violets, her eyes shut with content. Kirishima simply watched her with a gentle smile, his cheeks dusted a light shade of pink. 

When she seemingly finished admiring the meadow, she turned toward Kirishima and walked over to him. She grabbed the hair elastic in the crimson-eyed boy's hair and pulled it out of the mess of spikes. Running her fingers through the strands, she separated a lock of hair and set it to the side before tying the rest of the hair back up. 

"What are you doing?"

"Braiding your hair," she hummed, dividing the leftover hair into three sections. Moving quickly, the three sections soon were twisted together into a french braid running from his temple all the way down, the twist resting just above his ear. Freeing Kirishima's hair from the elastic, she bunched the braid with the hair before pulling it back into its regular man ponytail. 

𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀/𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶𝗿𝗼𝘂Where stories live. Discover now