the cave by the beach

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Kirishima played with Y/N's fingers as the train sped under the bridges and through the trees. He slid her thin rings on and off of her fingers while the air conditioning blasted him in the face. The second he had gotten home from school, he ran into the residence and found Y/N reorganizing the pantry. He had immediately dragged her out toward the train station. 

"We're going to the beach," he had said, holding her hand tightly as he pulled her forward. 

And now they were on the train, heading toward the beach. 

"Have you ever been to the beach?" Kirishima asked, studying and tracing Y/N's palm. 

The girl shook her head, "I haven't. Thanks for taking me."

He puffed with pleasure and continuing to fiddle with her fingers absentmindedly. Y/N smiled as she felt his rough hands gently trail along her palms like he was painting a picture only he could see. The late afternoon sun shone brightly as they neared the beach, illuminating half of Kirishima's face. Etched on his face was a faint grin, his soft red eyes glued to your shiny rings. His hair was messily tied back, with his bangs framing his face delicately. 

The sleeves of his hot pink t-shirt were rolled up, exposing the entirety of his muscly arms in all their glory. They practically glowed in the golden sunlight. 

Suddenly dropping your hands, Kirishima whipped out his phone and opened the camera. 

'Let's take a picture! My friend Mina said that this was called 'golden hour' or something!" The boy held the camera at arm's length and held a finger gun under his chin before biting his bottom lip. Y/N burst out laughing, "What are you doing?"

Kirishima looked wounded, "Mina taught it to me! She said I'll look 'edgy' if I do that!"

Y/N formed her fingers into a finger gun and tucked it under her chin before biting her lip. The boy looked at her happily before snapping the picture, quickly saving it and sending it to his friend. 

"You should meet Mina. She's awesome and I know she'll love you!" Kirishima scrolled through his photos, showing Y/N pictures of his school friends. She could recognize Sero's smug face, Bakugou's enraged one, and Denki's awkward one along with many she didn't know. 

He pointed to a pink-skinned girl holding up two fingers like a peace sign. "That's Mina." He pointed to someone with green curly hair, "That's Midoriya! He's always so nervous. He and Bakugou have the funniest friendship and rivalry. You're going to have to meet them all someday!"

As he showed her all of his friends and teachers, Y/N couldn't help but be just slightly jealous of him. She had never had any friends up until Kirishima. Smiling, she pointed to the boy with the purple balls on his head who was strapped to some kind of machine, looking horrified. 

"What's the story behind that?"

"No clue. Yaoyorozu built it and Kaminari just provided the electricity for it. I just thought he looked funny."

The two joked around until they left the train. 

The salty ocean breeze blew toward them, enveloping them in a mugginess that only the beach could provide. The sun was almost setting, staining the normally blue water an orangey color. Kirishima looked toward Y/N with a huge smile, "So? What's the first impression?"

"It's beautiful, she breathed, her sandaled feet slightly sinking into the soft, warm sand. 

"Isn't it?" Kirishima said. However, he was not looking at the ocean or the pretty sunset. He was looking at Y/N, whose eyes were shining so brightly that she didn't notice his gaze. 

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