unearthly self hatred

91 19 10

Y/N sat at the breakfast table, her hands clasped in front of her. She had been waiting for Kirishima for half an hour now. He usually woke up late, but not this late. 

She finally stood and traipsed to his room. She knocked on the door, "Eijirou? Are you still sleeping?" 

There was no response. 

"I'm coming in."

Twisting the knob, she walked in to see a lump under the covers. His head was covered by a large pillow and she could see him fidgeting slightly under the covers. 


Y/N tugged the pillow off of his face. Kirishima's face was flushed with sweat dotting his forehead. His eyes seemed dazed and his mouth curled into a smile when he saw her, "Wow, I must really be out of it if I'm seeing myself."

"The hell? Are you sick? I told you to let me sit under the air conditioning!"

The boy rolled over and laughed softly, "You don't sound like me, though."

Placing a hand over his head, she confirmed that he was indeed sick. 

"You've got a fever," Y/N said, sitting at the edge of his bed. The crimson-haired boy groaned, "I hate fevers. They always hit me hard and it feels terrible."

Walking out of the room, Y/N trailed through the unnaturally large house in search of medicine and other supplies. 

However, she did not find any. 

Honestly, what did she expect from a fifteen-year-old boy who lived by himself most of the time?

Turning back to Kirishima's room, she made sure not to make too much noise. 

Y/N dug through his drawer and plucked out Kirishima's credit card. The boy was staring at the ceiling, his mouth parted open in a small 'o'

"You have no medicine so I'm going out to buy some. I'll be back," the girl gently tugged Kirishima's ear before leaving the room. 

This was the first time she went anywhere without her companion. Slipping on her usual shoes, she walked out the door. 

The sun beat down on her, bathing the earth in a sticky warmness. The streets were busy at this time of the morning, with honking cars, frazzled civilians, and bikers with incurable anger issues. Now she knew why her friend preferred to jog in the evenings. 

She turned into a pharmacy and browsed through the wide selection of over-the-counter medication. 

"OI SHITTYHAIR! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU- you're not shittyhair." Y/N turned around to see Bakugou standing at the door with a shopping tote full of spicy chips and ramen. 

"No, I'm not."

"THEN WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE THE SAME SHITTY HAIR AS HIM?" he bellowed, attracting dirty glances as he walked into the store. 

Y/N continued looking through the medicine, "We dyed it."

"The hell are you buying medicine for? Don't tell me that dumbass is sick."

"Alright, then I won't tell you."

Bakugou inflated with anger but he didn't say anything. Grabbing a box from the shelf, he thrust it in her hands, "This one works best for that ketchup-haired idiot."


He followed her to the checkout desk, muttering profanities about how stupid Kirishima was for getting sick.

"1,548 yen please," the cashier rang up the medicine and bagged it. Y/N slid her the credit card. and watched as the cashier punched the numbers into the machine. 

𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀/𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶𝗿𝗼𝘂Where stories live. Discover now