The Path of Cultivation, Part Four

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"A-ge, where are we going?"

Pan Heng had donned a long black cloak, with Weifeng strapped to his waist. He smiled conspiratorially, putting a finger to his lips. "It's a surprise."

This was the first time Pan Chun would set foot outside of Xuhou. But where exactly were they going to in the middle of the night?

"You're not taking me on a nighthunt already, are you?" Pan Chun asked nervously. It had been over a year since she formed her golden core. But she didn't even have a sword to defend herself with yet!

The smile remained on Pan Heng's face. "Maybe. Maybe not."

Oh no he is, isn't he? - Pan Chun cried internally.

Pan Heng held up a transportation talisman. "Be ready."

Pan Chun clung to Pan Heng tightly and shut her eyes.

They disappeared in a burst of blue flames.


Pan Chun didn't expect what came next.

The clanging of an anvil? That wasn't one of the sounds of the forest. Instead of a cold breeze, heat surrounded the air around them. They weren't outside, so where were they?

Pan Chun opened her eyes.

Flames blazed in forges. Spiritual swords hung on the walls. A burly man in the corner hit a hammer against a piece of hot metal on an anvil.

Pan Chun looked around in awe. - Is this place what I think it is?

Pan Heng gestured grandly, sweeping his arm. "This, A-Chun, is a spiritual sword smithery."

The burly man looked up from the anvil. "Ah! Pan Heng, welcome!"

"Xun Min."

Pan Heng and Xun Min greeted each other.

"Ah. You must be exhausted from using a transportation talisman. Here, come rest." Xun Min guided Pan Heng to a chair. Pan Heng slumped into the chair and Xun Min brought him a cup of hot tea.

Xun Min turned and grinned at Pan Chun. "And you must be Pan Heng's younger brother!"

Pan Chun greeted Xun Min. "Pleasure to meet you, Xun-jianjiang[1]."

As a swordsmith who worked with heavy pieces of metal daily, Xun Min was built. He towered over Pan Chun with his immense height and had muscular arms that could crush her skull like a watermelon...

"Haha! No need to be so nervous!" Xun Min smacked Pan Chun jovially on the back, knocking the wind out of her.

Such - Such strength! 

"Tonight's special occasion is about you!" Xun Min said.

"...What? It is?" So she wasn't tagging along on one of Pan Heng's errands?

"Am I here to get my spiritual sword?" Pan Chun asked.

Xun Min nodded. "That's right!"

Pan Heng smirked at Pan Chun. "I did say that it was a surprise, didn't I?"

Excitement burst inside Pan Chun. - Fucking finally! I'm going to have my own sword! Holy shit!

Xun Min gestured to Pan Chun. "Come. I'll show it to you."

Pan Chun followed Xun Min to a table where a line of spiritual swords lay neatly wrapped in cloth. He picked up a sword in the middle, marked with her name. He held it steadily and carefully unwrapped the covering around the sword. "Here. Take a look! Oh, careful! It's very sharp! Don't touch the blade with your bare hands! Skin oil wears away the blade!"

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