The Path of Cultivation, Part Two

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Chapter warning: Bullying


Pan Chun wanted to sleep in for the morning, but the rooster just wouldn't shut up. That, and Pan Heng would've yanked her blanket off, patiently waiting for the cold to force her out of bed. The first few times that happened were not fun.

Pan Heng told her that she'd have to wake up early from now on for training. If his "definitely not a morning person" ass had to get up early, so did she.

So Pan Chun reluctantly left her warm and cozy blanket cocoon behind to meet Pan Heng in the front room. They ate breakfast and headed outside.

"So what's the lesson plan for today, A-ge?"

Pan Heng didn't really care about being called "Master".  -  "Too formal. You and I are practically siblings," he had explained.

"We'll continue honing your meditation and martial arts skills. They are fundamental in cultivation. You're not ready to form your golden core just yet," Pan Heng said.

Over the past half-year, Pan Heng had Pan Chun meditate and engage in heavy physical exercises. Pan Heng stretched Pan Chun's limbs, to the point where they hurt, but it was necessary to increase her flexibility. She lost count of how many times she had vomited after running laps around the forest. Eventually, Pan Chun also ran with a small boulder tied to her back by rope. Then she advanced to carrying a basket of rocks on her back. Pan Heng did the same, only he walked leisurely up the mountain and looked back at Pan Chun, saying, "What? Are you tired already? Going to have to do better than that to increase your strength, speed, and stamina."

Fuck. It was like P.E., but worse. P.E. was torture and Pan Chun didn't miss it at all.

As Pan Heng had said, they started off the day's training with meditation. A calming experience, Pan Chun thought, practicing mindfulness outside without any distractions by technology. Pan Heng had been surprised that Pan Chun was patient enough to start practicing meditation, especially since many children her age were eager to get right to the cultivation techniques and flying swords.

After meditation came the equally cool and dreaded part of training. Martial arts.

Pan Chun got into a fighting stance.

Pan Heng stood tall, his hands clasped behind his back.

A breeze blew by.

Pan Chun studied Pan Heng carefully. He hadn't gotten into any defensive maneuvers. But she shouldn't get too cocky. Where to strike?...

Pan Heng still didn't make any movement. "Well? I don't have all day."

Pan Chun lunged forward, aiming a kick at Pan Heng's waist. But Pan Heng managed to block it, catching her foot in his grasp! Now she was left wide open!

Pan Heng kneed Pan Chun in the stomach. Spittle flew out from her mouth as she fell to the ground. She wrapped her arms around her stomach and curled in on herself. She coughed and groaned in pain. - It hurts! It fucking hurts! I want to vomit!

Pan Heng waited for Pan Chun, who struggled to get herself back up, clutching her stomach all the while. Eventually though, Pan Chun managed to stand, panting heavily.

"We'll need to work on your pain endurance." Pan Heng's eyes sharpened. "Get ready!"

Pan Chun braced herself. "Right!"

Pan Heng leaped forward and struck, relentless in his instruction.

"If this were an actual fight, you would be dead right now."

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