The Worst Luck, Part Three

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Chapter warning: Mutilated Corpses and Horror Alert


The fisherman docked his boat and wiped his brow.

Whew! He caught a good load of fish today.

He lugged the sack of fish over his shoulder, walking on the path back to his village.

Some dust got into his eyes, making him wipe them with his arm.

He blinked.


The fog crept in, seemingly out of nowhere.

Damn! Why did the fog have to get heavy now?

This was bad. It was sunny and clear that morning so he didn't even think to bring his lantern with him!

Wait! What was that?

The fisherman squinted.

An orb of light shone in the distance.

Oh! One of the villagers must've come with a lantern to help guide him back!

Relieved, the fisherman called out, "Hello friend!"

That was strange. Why wasn't his companion answering him back?

Ah! He must be keeping silent because there was a predator near!

The lantern light continued moving up ahead and the fisherman followed after it.

The lantern light stopped.

The fisherman caught up to the lantern holder. He panted. "Dear friend! At least wait for me to catch my brea-"

The fisherman's blood ran cold.

By the time he realized what was in front of him, it was already too late.

"No! No! Please no!"

His screams went unheard.


Pan-shifu was out again.

Meng Yao studied the booklets intently, deep into his self-study session.

The door to Meng Yao's room opened.

"So how is my little cultivator doing?" Meng Shi hovered over his shoulder.

Meng Yao smiled. "Wonderful. I'm learning so much, Mother."

Meng Shi laughed. "You are learning so quickly. At this rate, you will impress LanlingJin sect in no time. A-Yao is so intelli-"

She coughed harshly into her handkerchief.

Meng Yao shot up from his seat in alarm. "Mother?!"

Meng Shi took in some breaths as Meng Yao held her. "I am fine, A-Yao. It's merely a cough. Do not worry about me," she said shakily.

Meng Shi had gotten dangerously ill after Meng Yao turned ten.

Pan-shifu used his spiritual energy and money from his cultivation outings to heal his mother and provide medicine. But he can only keep her alive for so long.

Panic and turmoil broiled in Meng Yao.

No! He couldn't let his mother die! He couldn't!

He needed-!

He needed...

He knew what he must do.


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