Radiant, Part Nine

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Note: I made chapter summaries, which are posted on archiveofourown.

Here's the link: archiveofourown.org/works/43487922/chapters/109328460
Note: Wattpad doesn't actually let authors put direct links. So please click on the link in my comment here instead.

This way, you won't have to reread the  whole fanfic to catch up again. Hope it helps. Especially since my  updates are irregular and take forever. ○| ̄|_

Chapter warning: Teenagers talking awkwardly about erotica and sex.


Wei Wuxian's hand felt warm and steady as he eagerly led Pan Wukun forward.

Pan Wukun wasn't exactly keen on Wei Wuxian holding her hand. But she couldn't pull away now. She needed to show Wei Wuxian that she was willing to befriend him. Become someone he considered an ally. Only an ally, at most.

She couldn't - shouldn't make friends here. She was fine without any. It made leaving this world a lot easier...

Being too close to the canon characters would just put her in danger.

Pan Wukun knew one thing for certain. They absolutely must not be caught by Lan Wangji. The sight of her holding Wei Wuxian's hand would be burnt in Lan Wangji's memory forever. Then he would shish kebab her with Bichen repeatedly with the wrath of a thousand suns.

The CPR session (not a kiss!) was already bad enough. If anymore happened between Pan Wukun and Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji would not even leave her corpse intact.

With their free hands, Pan Wukun held one jar of Emperor's Smile while Wei Wuxian held the other jar.

Up ahead, they saw the multi-meter-high white wall enclosing the Cloud Recesses.

Wei Wuxian looked up at the top of the wall. "You have a jade token, right Chun-ge?"

Pan Wukun pulled a jade object out of her qiankun pouch. "I guess you heard about me working with the GusuLan healers. They gave it to me after I agreed to teach the breath-saving method I used to rescue you."

In the darkness of the night, Pan Wukun couldn't see Wei Wuxian blushing at the mention of the CPR procedure.

"Oh-! Um-! That's nice! We don't have to steal one then!" Wei Wuxian said.

Pan Wukun rolled her eyes. "You've already broken enough rules tonight."

Wei Wuxian snickered.

Just as Wei Wuxian was about to toss his jar of Emperor's Smile over the wall, Pan Wukun held her arm out to stop him. "Wait."

Knowing Lan Wangji, he was keeping a very close eye on Wei Wuxian. He would expect Wei Wuxian to avoid detection by leaping over the wall.

If her plan worked, they didn't even have to sneak in at all.

"Follow my lead. I have an idea."


"Halt! Who goes there!"

Wei Wuxian waved cheerily. "It's Wei Wuxian!"

Pan Wukun simply raised a hand in greeting. "And Pan Wukun..."

Upon seeing Wei Wuxian, a guest disciple, the GusuLan sect cultivators relaxed and sheathed their swords. Then their eyes sharpened. "Wei-gongzi, you are not supposed to be out past curfew!"

"Please pardon Wei-gongzi this time!" Pan Wukun said quickly. "He is assisting me with important research for the sect infirmary's breath-saving procedures at my request!"

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