New Teacher

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I was laughing like crazy person because my bestfriend , Jimin do a joke when him and I was walking to school .

"It's funny right ? When i hear that joke from my brother i laughing like a stupid boy ." We laughed , laughed and laughed .

"Oh yea . I forgot to asked . How your brother ?"

"Taehyung ?" He ask me back.

"Yea . I don't have a time to visited him . Sorry ~" I pout .

"Haha . It's okay . Doc said he can discharge tomorrow !" Jimin replied . His youngest brother , Taehyung got into an accident last 2 weeks .

We arrived at school .

"I heard that we have a new teacher since our math teacher moved to another country for study ." Jimin whispered to me . He sit next to me .

"Oh yea . I also hear about that ." Suddenly one of our classmate shout from door .

"Guys ! Our new teacher is coming !" He shout and we all sit at our seat .

The teacher come in our class with a smiled . His dimples is enough make us melt . He wearing a smart clothes and holding some books . His hair was black and he is so tall . Maybe his height 181 .

"Good morning , Student !" He said in gentle voice . He make a smile again .

"Good morning , Mr ." We don't know what is his name . So we just called him Mr.

"So my name is Kim Namjoon . You can call me Mr.Kim okay ?" He said and we just nod .

"So i don't want to start teaching you . I want you guys introduce yourself . Start from you boy ." Mr.Kim point it to the bad boy .

"Oh okay ." The boy stand up .

"So my name is Min Yoongi . You can called me as Suga ." He said and Mr .Kim looked at him .

"Next ." He keep saying "next" until that's my turn . I stand up . But i feel uncomfortable because he keep staring at me .

"Erm . Hi Mr.Kim ! My name is Shin Y/N ." I said and make a beautiful smile .

"Wow . That's a beautiful name ." Mr.Kim keep saying "next" .

He is so hot !  I swear . I think i have crush on him . His dimples , his height , his smiled .  And i don't know why my eyes keep staring at his pants !

Skip time ~
Rest .

"Yow Y/N ! Come eat ! I'm hungry !" Jimin pull my hand but we stop when we heard Mr.Kim calling me . 

"Y/N !" He shout from his desk .

"You go first , Jimin ." I said and he nods . I walked fast to Mr.Kim .

"Yes ?" I asked him .

"Can you help me ?" He asked and smiled .

"Yea sure ! What is it ?" I asked excitedly . Maybe because the others teacher never called me for help .

"Help me to bring this book to my office . Can you ?" He asked me and give a book .

"Yea sure ." I'll take it and follow him to his office because i didn't know where is his office .

He opened the door and it's so big . Damn ! Bigger than my class ! Is he the owner of this school or what ? This is his first day and he already have a big office . I can't believe it .

"Y/N . Hey ." He clap his hand in front of my face because he noticed i'm staring at his office and not get in .

"Yea ?" I asked. 

Teacher KNJ 18+ ✔Where stories live. Discover now