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⚠Dirty Talk
⚠Just for 🔞
⚠It's seem like a raped but it's not

I walked with Jhope , my cousin . It's already 2 months i ignored Namjoon . I still love him . I love him touch . I always horny . I miss him touch seriously .

"Hey Y/N . You okay ?" Jhope asked as he holding my hand .

"Yea . I'm okay ." I said . We was walked to Park . He know what is going on between me and Namjoon . And his age same with Namjoon . 23 years old . I'm was 18 .

"You miss him right ?" Jhope asked and stop walking .

"N-no !" I lie .

"Admit it , Y/N ." He forced me .

"Yes . I miss him . But i can't believe he cheated !" I shout .

"It's okay . I'm here ." Jhope smiled .

"If i still having a sex with Namjoon , last week of course he give me a punishment . I fail my test ." I said in my mind .

Namjoon POV

I was walked at Park but then i saw Y/N with other guy . She already have a new boyfriend ?! N-no ! I'm jealous . I'm fucking jealous . I go back home and just wait for her to come back . I know she will come back .

"Aishh . It's already 11.00 p.m. " I said as i watch a clock at my phone .

Then someone open the door . It's Y/N .

"Y/N !" I mad . I'm jealous .

She ignored me and go to kitchen to put some stuff that she buy .

I take her wrist and she shout .

"Namjoon ! Let me go ! I'm tired !" She shout . I didn't care . Jin and Jung kook is not here . They are going holiday .

"Namjoon let me go !" She shout again . I pull her go to my room and i push her to my bed .

"Namjoon . W-what are you doing ?!" She shout .

"I was fucking jealous now . You already have a new boyfriend ?! I'm your boyfriend ! You are mine ! Remember that baby girl  ." I said as i unbutton my Pants .

"Namjoon ! Stop ! I'm not in mood ! Please !" She crying . I don't care .

"This is your punishment baby . First because of your fail test and second for make me jealous ." I smirk at her .

She throw all pillow at me .

"What you're doing baby ? I just miss to fuck you !" I whispered at her ear .

"Namjoon ! Let me go ! For a last time i said !" She warned me . She push me .

"How dare you push your daddy ? I will make you feel enjoy Y/N ." I said and smirk again .

"I hate you , Kim Namjoon !" She shout .

"But i love you ." I said as i kiss her lips roughly and take off her shirt and pants .

"N-namjoon . U-ughh ." She moans when i kiss her .

"I miss your body baby ." I said and opened his bra . I stop kissing her .

"Namjoon . Please . Let me go . I'm tired ." She said in weak tone .

"No . I already said to you . When i give a punishment , you can't escape it ." I said and suck her nipples .

"Namjoon ugh . S-stop uhh ." She moans again , again and again .

"Oops . Wrong name Baby ." I said and take off her panties .

"Why you not wet Y/N ? Didn't you like this huh ?" I said as i hold her pussy .

"Because i'm not enjoy it ! I hate you !" She shout .

"I will make you enjoy it , Y/N . Just see ." I dare myself .

I put my 2 finger at shoved it in her pussy .

"Ugh Daddy !" She moans loud .

"See ? You calling me daddy now ." I smirked. I moved my finger fast and i put my tongue in her pussy .

"Daddy . I beg you . Stop ." She said again .

"No ." I said and continued what i'm doing .

"Daddy. Stop ! F-fuck me . I'm horny !" She moans makes me on .

I take off my boxer and shirt . Now i'm also naked .

"Oh . Fuck me Daddy !" She moans again .

I locked her both hand with my hand . I was top of her . I shoved my cock .

"You're so tight baby ." I said as i'm still trying to shove it .

"Ughhh . F-fuck ." She moans . Then my cock gets in .

"Be ready Y/N . I will moved faster now . Fast than everything ." I said as she nods . I moved my cock faster . Now my room is so noisy with our moans and my cock fucked her when she wet .

"Daddy ! Slow down ! I hurt !" She shout .

"Ughhh . You are so good , Y/N . Your pussy so wet ugh ." I moans .

"Daddy . Slow down ! My pussy will destroyed !" She shout again .

"I will destroyed it Baby girl . Just your daddy can destroyed it ." I wink at her .

"Slow down ! I'm Cumming !" Y/N shout .

"Hold it Baby . Don't you dare to cum . If you cum , tomorrow you Can't walked to school ." I kiss her lips again .

"Daddy ! I can't hold it ." She shout and hold her pussy . That make me so hard to fuck her .

"Moved your hand baby ." I said .

"N-no ! I need to cum ." She said again .

"Moved it and let me eat you !" I shout make her moved her hand . I fuck her again .

"F-fuck ! Y-yes y-yes ! Fuckkk ! Daddyy !" She moans .

"Baby . I'm Cumming !" I said as i cum inside her . She also cum .

I lay down next to her .

"You are so good , Baby ." I smiled at her .

She looks tired .

"Y-yea daddy ." She said in weak .

"Now you love me back ?" I asked her and massage her pussy .

"No . You make me more hate you ." She said in mad tone .

"W-why ? Baby . I'm sorry okay ? Mrs.Sarah is my ex . She try to flirt me that time . I'm trying to run but she push me to chair !" I explain it quickly .

"Yea right . I didn't believe it ." She said and moved my hand from her pussy .

"You make me hate you , Namjoon ." She stand up and walked to her room in naked .

She walked slowly because i think her pussy is hurt .

"Aish . I thought she will forgive me !" I throw my pillow and sleep naked .

End Namjoon POV

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