Bonus Part

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"I catch you !" Suga shout . They was busy playing with their new friend . Or i need to said my daughter .

"Hyan ! I got you again !" Suga said again and carry Hyan . Hyan is our daughter name . She will turn to 4 this year .

"Baby . Let's play ! Don't just stare like that ." Namjoon pull my hand .

"Yah Suga . You are so fast ! This already 5 times you win ! Give us a chance ." Jin grumbled .

"I'm in !" I said and they smiled .

"Catch Hyan !" Jungkook said . Hyan busy running and we try to catch her .

"Now i win ! I catch you !" Jimin said .

"Yah . I'm tired !" Taehyung said and drink his water .

"Let's play 1 round more , Tae !" Jhope shout .

After 15 minutes we lay down at couch .

"How you can buy this big house ?" Taehyung ask Namjoon .

"This is fifth time you ask ." Namjoon said and we laughed .

"I already said . I save my money and buy this house ." He said and lay down back next to me . We all sweating .

"Mommy . Let's shower ! I'm sweating ." Hyan pull my hand .

"Okay . Come ." I said and smiled .

I go to upstairs and help Hyan to shower .

Suga POV

She leaves us .

"Namjoon . You lucky ." Suddenly Jimin said .

"Why ?" Namjoon ask .

"Aish . How come you can ask why ?" Jin also said .

"What ? I didn't understand ." Namjoon said again .

"You so lucky got Shin Y/N as your wife !" Suga join .

"Correction . Kim Y/N ." Namjoon said .

"Aish this boy ." Jin said again and Namjoon chuckled .

"You guys bring a clothes ? Go shower ." Namjoon ask .

"No . We forgot . Can we borrow your clothes ?" Taehyung ask .

"Yea sure . Come ." Namjoon said as he pulled Jungkook's hand .  He bring us to his room .

"Choose it ." He open the closet and we choose the clothes . He lays down at his bed and busy with a phone .

"Can i borrow this ?" I ask and show to him a clothe .

"No ." He panicked suddenly . He stand up and take that clothe .

"Why you look panicked ?" Jungkook ask .

"Yah . This clothes is the shirt that i wear when i have a sex with Y/N for the first time !" He said make us laughed .

"You keep it ?!" Jin ask and we laughed again .

"I never wear it . I just keep it ." Namjoon said and put the clothe properly again .

"You so weird you know ?" Taehyung said and laughed .

"Choose another shirt ." He said as he lay down to bed back .

End Suga POV

Namjoon POV

They already shower but not me . They waiting at downstairs and suddenly Y/N go closer to them with Hyan .

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