again ?

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⚠dirty talk

"Namjoon . Wake up ." I wake him up because he need to go to school with me .

"Y-yes ?" He opened his eyes .

"Breakfast is ready ." I said and just leave . I still mad at him .

"Okay . I will come ." Namjoon said and he wake up .

Skip time ~

I already breakfast and waiting for Namjoon . Then i saw Namjoon come down .

"Come Y/N . Eat with me ." He don't want to eat alone since Jungkook and Jin at Singapore .

"It's okay . I already eat ." I said and didn't look at him .

"If like that , i think i just take it and eat when we rest ." Namjoon said and he pulled my hand to go to his car .

"Let me go . I can walk ." I said and push him softly .

He just smiled . I know he sad actually .

Then we already arrived at school . I was about to go out but he pulled me and closed the door .

"What ?" I asked . He kiss me softly at my lips . I didn't kiss it back . Yes . I want kiss it but i can't !

"I'm going now ." I push him and go out .

Skip ~
Class .

Suga , Jimin and I was focused to Mr.Lee teaching but then someone knocked our class door .

"I need some help . Can you called 3 students to help me ?" The girl teacher ask and this is our time . We look at each other and raised our hand .

"Go help ." Mr.Lee said as he smiled . We go to that teacher and she give the bag and book that look so familiar .

"Take this to Mr.Kim office . You know where right ?" She asked and we nod .

We walked to Namjoon's office .

"Aish . Why we raised our hand ? I don't like to see him ." Suga said in mad .

"Yea i agree .". Jimin said and i was just quiet .

We knocked the door 1 times and we opened it . That time we was shocked . I will died seriously . We saw Namjoon kissing with Mrs.Sarah . Again ?!

"Oh . We're sorry . We just want to put your stuff , Mr.Kim." I said and put it at his desk . We can see Mrs.Sarah was sitting at his lap .

Namjoon shocked . We leave quickly and Namjoon push Mrs.Sarah . He try to follow me . I'm not running . I walked fast . I don't want to show that i'm jealous .

Then suddenly i feel someone grabbed my wrist .

"Y/N . Listen ." It's Namjoon  .

"Oh . We talked at home . I have a class now ." I push him softly . Suga and Jimin just stare at him .

"Y/N . Please ." He grabbed my wrist again .

"Please Mr.Kim . We have a class now ." I said but he still don't want to let go my hand . Then he pulls me to somewhere else .

"Yah Mr.Kim !" Jimin and Suga shout trying to stop him .

"This is between me and Y/N . So go to your class !" He shout back .

Suga and Jimin can't do anything . They just nod and Namjoon pulled my hand again . He take me to the teacher's bathroom . This is male bathroom .

"What now ?" I push him .

"Y/N . Let me explain okay ?" He let go my hand and go closer to me .

Teacher KNJ 18+ ✔Where stories live. Discover now