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I already wearing my uniform school . I go downstairs and saw Namjoon , Jin and Jung kook was breakfast that i cooked . Namjoon is wearing smart clothes because he will go to school as a teacher right ? Same with Jin . Jung kook is still in his pajamas .

"Hey Y/N !" Jin and Jungkook smiled . Namjoon didn't want to look at me .

"Hey Jin , Jungkook , Namjoon ." You smiled .

"Come eat with us ." Jin said .

"I'm not really hungry actually . I'm waiting for Namjoon ." We all looked at Namjoon . He didn't want to looked at me .

"Okay . Come Y/N ." He said and take his bag .

"Okay ." I said and follow him .

As usual he will open the door car for you but he didn't do that again .

I open the door car and sit next to him .

He just quiet . Didn't said anything .

"Erm . Namjoon ." I want to open the topic .
He just raised his eyebrows. 

"Why you so quiet ? You always flirt me ." I asked .

"You still thinking i will flirt you ? After what happened ?" He asked . His face look sad .

"I-i'm sorry . I love you ." I said and hold his hand . He just quiet .

"Namjoon . Answer me ." I said .

"What ? You love me ? Oh right . You love me but you asked your friends to fuck you . And you call them master ? Oh yea . I just a teacher ." His eyes already become red .

"I'm sorry !" I'm crying .

"J-just forget it ." He said .

Then you arrived .

You go to your class and you didn't saw Jimin . You just saw Suga .

You go to Suga .

"Hey Y/N . You okay ?" He asked like nothing happened .

"H-hey . Nothing . Just my mood down ." I said and sit next to him .

"Why ?" He asked but suddenly Jimin shout my name .

"Y/N !" He run to me when crying .

"Yah why ?" I asked . Suga also become worried .

"Because me , Namjoon h-hate you ." He crying a lot . Some of our classmate see he crying .

"What do you mean ?" Suga asked .

"When we have a s-sex , i record the video and i send it to Namjoon . I was drunk that time okay !" He said crying and we didn't notice Namjoon already came in class .

"It's okay ." I said .

Suddenly we hear Namjoon shout .

"Jimin ! Sit at your seat ! Class is going to start !" He shout .

This is first time we saw Namjoon shout in class .

Jimin sit down .

He start the class .

Skip time

All of my classmate leave go to rest . Just me , Jimin and Suga in class with Namjoon . Namjoon put some sheets of paper in his bag . We go to him .

"N-namjoon ." Suga said his name .

"Call me Mr.Kim . We at school ." Namjoon said and didn't look at us .

"I-i'm sorry . Mr.Kim. We're sorry ." Suga said again .

"For ?" Namjoon asked like a stupid person .

"B-because we d-drunk and ...." Suga didn't finish his words and Namjoon cut off .

"And having a sex with Y/N ?" Namjoon said raised his eyebrows .

"We're sorry . We drunk . Forgive us ." Jimin said . Namjoon just quiet . He take his bag and like want to leave .

"Namjoon wait !" I grabbed his wrist .

"Mr.Kim ! Call me Mr.Kim !" He push me and shout .

"Aish . Just please . Don't make me shout again . I'm tired okay ?" He said softly and leave us .

"Y/N , You okay ?" Jimin asked .

"Yea ." I try to hold back my tears .

"He hate me ." I said .

"N-no he don't hate you okay ? He just stress . You just use my idea ." Suga said

"What ?" I asked .

"Flirt with him ." Suga said .

"You serious ?" I shocked .

"Yea i agree with Suga ." Jimin nod .

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