why ?

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I was helping Jin at kitchen .

"Y/N . Go to sleep . You look tired ." Jin said and smiled .

"No it's okay . I can do it ." I said .

"Please . Go to sleep . You didn't stop doing a work Y/N ." Jin said and push me softly to stairs .

"Okay !" I smiled .

Then i walked to my room . I just want to sleep but suddenly i got a notification . From Namjoon . Why he didn't come here and said what he want ? His room is next to me duh !


Namjoon : Y/N
Y/N : yes ?
Namjoon : Can you come to my room ? I need help .
Y/N : sure .

End conversation

I run to his room and he was laying at bed.

"Why ?" I asked .

He suddenly pulled me and i now was laying down next to him .

"Let's cuddle ." He pout .

"Yah . I was in school holiday 2 weeks . You can cuddle with me for a long time tomorrow ." I said and hold his hair .

"Please ! I miss you !" He pout again .

"Yah why you so cute ?!" I kiss his lips once .

"I want cuddle !" He do a baby voice . That looks cute !

"Fine fine ." I said and we now was cuddle . He is shirtless .

"Can we cuddle like this until my last breath ?" He asked make me look at him .

"Why you said like that ?" I asked .

"Nothing . I love you , Y/N . More than what you thinking ." He said and smiled .

"I love you too Mr.Kim ." We felt asleep .

Tomorrow ~

It's already 8.00 a.m.

I wake up and saw Namjoon is still hugging me . He still sleep . What a cute face .

"Hey Joonie . Wake up ." I said and kiss his cheek .

"Y-yea ?" He asked still close his eyes .

"I need to shower and cook a breakfast . You still cuddling me ." I said and chuckled .

"Let me think . Hurmmm . No . I want to cuddle with you pleaseeeeee ." He open his eyes and stare at me .

"How about Jin and Jung kook ? They of course want to breakfast ." I said but he hugged me more  tight .

"5 minutes . I want to hug you . After 5 minutes you can go . Please . Please . Please . I miss you !" He do a baby face .

"Don't be so cute ! You make me melt ." I said and start hug him back . He still doing a baby face .

"I love you so much , Y/N ." He said .

"You know i love you too right ?" I said and he chuckled .

"I'm sorry if i was too rough when we have a sex , i always shout at you , always become angry . I mad and shout at you because i'm scared . I'm scared of losing you . If i So rough when we have a sex , that because i want you to know that you are just mine . I don't want losing you ." He said and kiss my lips once .

"I understand , Joon . Don't so jealous . I just love you . I promise I will not cheat ." I said and give a big smile .

He hug me tight . He still shirtless . We didn't have sex last night . We just cuddle .

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