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I wake up and i didn't saw Namjoon .

"Namjoon . Baby ." I calling him but i didn't saw him . But then i saw someone come out from bathroom . It's Namjoon . He is just with a towel .

"Hey Y/N . You awake ?" He ask and smiled .

"Why you brake the hug ?" I pout .

"Oh baby . I'm sorry ." He said and chuckled softly .

"You already shower ?" I ask .

"Yea . Go to shower . We eat breakfast and moved to your house okay ?" He said as he wear his clothes .

"Okay ." I said and give a soft smiled .

After a few minutes , i come out from Bathroom and I saw Namjoon is packing a clothes.

"Hey babe . I already packed your clothes ." He smiled but didn't look at me .

"Thanks ." I said and i change my clothes .

"You done ? Come . We need to breakfast first ." He said and pull me . His left hand was holding our bag .

"Hey Namjoon . Morning !" They all shout .

"Morning ." He said and put our bag at couch .

"What is that ?" Suga ask .

"Our bag . We will moved to Y/N's house ." Namjoon replied and sit next to me .

"You serious ? Why ? We will miss you ." Jin asking .

"You know . Her safety ." Namjoon said and smiled again .

"Y/N . Eat this . You will feel more better ." Namjoon said and give me a bread .

"I-i'm not hungry ." I said and look down. 

"Y/N . You need to eat . You will sick ." Jhope said .

"I'm not hungry ." I said and sit at couch .

They just keep eating and i noticed that Taehyung didn't said anything .

Jung kook POV

I can see Y/N is still shocked about what happened last night . Taehyung just quiet and didn't said anything .

"Hey Taehyung . You okay ?" I ask .

"Y-yea ." He replied . We all look at him but not Namjoon .

"Namjoon . Why you need to moved to her house ? You didn't believe us ?" Jimin ask .

"No . I believe you guys . But you know , you can look her face . She scared you know ? This morning , i just break the hug and she already scared i don't know why ." Namjoon explain .

"It's because last night ?" I ask .

"Maybe . She don't want to talk about that ." Namjoon said again .

"It is my fault ?" Taehyung whispered to me .

"N-no ." I said .

"When you leave this house , can you said to her that i really sorry for what i did ?" Taehyuhg ask and look at Namjoon .

"Sure . But please don't go closer to her . I don't want she have a same trauma that she have 2 years ago ." Namjoon said and eat his soup .

"Why you treat me like you already forgive me ?" Taehyung ask again .

"Because i already forgive you . I know when we was drunk , we will lost control ." Namjoon said and give a big smile .

"But i don't know if Y/N can forgive you or not ." Namjoon said again .

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