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Jimin POV

"It's already 3 months ! Is he still didn't remember Y/N ?" Suga mad .

"I don't know ." Jungkook said .

"Y/N is so love him . She never stop helping Namjoon to remember her ." Jin said. 

"I hope Namjoon will remember her quick !"
Jhope also hope the same thing .

Suddenly we saw Namjoon and Y/N go closer to us from upstairs .

"Hey ." Namjoon said and we smiled .

"Can i sit ?" Namjoon ask .

"Why you asking ? This is your house !" I said and we laughed . He sit next to me .

"Hey . I have a secret ." Namjoon said make us raised our eyebrows .

"But before that , i'm want to said sorry ." Namjoon look down .

"For what ? Can you just tell us ?" Jhope said .

"Erm . I remember Y/N ." Namjoon said and look at us .

"So you mean you already remember me ?!" Y/N shocked .

"Try to understand my sentence . I remember you Y/N ." He said again .

"What you trying to said ?" Taehyung ask .

"Aish . Why you guys so dumb ? I remember Y/N !" Namjoon said and we still confused .

"You already remembered Y/N ." He said a same word .

"Can you just said it straight to the point ?" Jin mad .

"I'm not lost memory !" He said make us shocked .

"What you mean ?!" Y/N ask again .

"Yes i lost memory 50% but i didn't forget Y/N . Didn't ever !" Namjoon tired said the same thing .

"So you mean you lie that you didn't remember Y/N ?" Taehyung ask .

"Aish . Why all of them are so dumb ? Yes . I lied ." Namjoon said and laughed .

"Yah ! It's not funny !" We all hit him .

"Hey ! I'm sorry ! You crazy ? I will not ever forget my future wife !" Namjoon said and continued laughed .

"Yah ! You know it's not funny !" Y/N hit Namjoon .

"Guys ! I just want to know what will happen if i lost my memory . That's because i do this ." Namjoon said .

"Duh . Almost 4 months ! You kidding ?!" Jungkook throw a bottle to Namjoon .

"I'm sorry ." Namjoon said .

"Aish . This boy really make me mad ." Jin didn't look at Namjoon . We just laughed .

"Hey guys . I need to shower yea ." Y/N said and we nod . She left .

"Namjoon . Tell us . What happened when Y/N fainted that day ? What you do to her ?" I asked whispered .

"Aish . Why you guys make me remember about that stupid memories ?" Namjoon said and look at his phone .

"Tell us ." Suga also said .

"I already said it to you . I raped her . Done ?" He still don't want to tell .

"Aish . Tell us . Don't try to hide it ." Jhope said .

"Did i really need to tell ? It's so embarrassed ! I don't know why i force her that time ." Namjoon said again .

"What you do until she being likes that ?" Jin turn to ask .

"I-i fuck her . You know . We have a sex . But she don't want actually . I fuck her so roughly until ." He stop his words .

"Until ?" We ask in same time . He quiet .

"Yah until what ?" Taehyung ask .

"J-just forget it !" He didn't want to tell .

"Yah . Don't stop at there . Until what ? We will keep this secret !" Suga said .

"Aish . Until her genitals come out with a many blood ! I'm panicked that time ! When i ask her . She said she also don't know but then she fainted . I just carry her to hospital and that's why i said it's my fault ." Namjoon explain and crying .

"Yah don't crying . That story is few months ago right ?" I hug him and smiled .

"Aish . He already crying ." Jungkook said and wiped his tears .

"Aish . Don't treat me like a baby !" Namjoon said and chuckled . His tears still at his  cheek .

We laughed . Then Y/N come with a short shirt and pants .

"Hey Y/N ." We said .

"Hey ." She said and sit next to Namjoon .

We was talking so much but we noticed Namjoon just stare at Y/N . Y/N didn't noticed that !

"Erm . It's already 6.00 p.m. I need to cook ." She said and we nod with a smiled . She go to kitchen . Namjoon eyes is keep following Y/N .

"Hey !" Jhope clap his hand in front of Namjoon's face make Namjoon wake up from his world .

"What ?" Namjoon ask .

"Why you keep staring at Y/N like that ?" I asked .

"When ? I didn't stare at her !" Namjoon pretended like he don't know what we are saying .

"Stop lying , Namjoon . We noticed it ." Jin said .

"Tell us ." Jung kook turn said .

"Aish . I need to calm down !" He said make us confused .

"Why ?" Suga ask .

"Yah ! S-she w-wearing a s-short pants ! Aish !" Namjoon said make us laughed .

"You horny yea ?" Taehyung said and we laughed again .

"Duh ! Ofc i'm horny ! But i can't have a sex with her !" Namjoon said .

"Why ?" Jin ask .

"I'm scared if it happens again ." Namjoon replied .

"I don't think it will happen . Just don't rough duh ." Jin said .

"You sure ?" Namjoon raised his eyebrows .

"Maybe . We don't know ." Jin said again .

End Jimin POV

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