married ?!

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I already wake up and saw Namjoon is sleeping .

"Namjoon . Hey baby ." I'm trying to make him up .

"Y-yea ?" He answered .

"Wake up . Want to shower together ?" I ask and pout .

"Pull my hand !" He said . I pull his hand and we shower together .

"Hey Baby . Want to shopping ?" He ask . Ofc i want !

"Yes ." I said and hug him . He hug me back .

We just changed our clothes and we go downstairs .

"Hey guys ! Morning ." They all said to us . They all was eating .

"Hey . Morning ." Me and Namjoon said in same time .

"Where you guys want to go ?" Jin ask .

"Shopping . I will breakfast with Y/N at outside okay ?" Namjoon said and we leave them .

Jhope POV

"Y/N look so happy ." I said .

"Y-yea ." Jungkook agree .

"If she happy , i also happy . She my best friend duh !" Jimin said .

End Jhope POV

Namjoon POV

We was busy shopping and we go to watch a movie . Then we noticed it's already 8.00 p.m.

"Hey baby . I think we need to go now ." I said and smiled .

"Yea . It's already late ." She agreed . We walked to house back . We have many talked and she look so happy .

"Y/N . Do you happy with me ?" I ask make her stop .

"Why you asking that stupid question ? Ofc i'm happy !" She said make me smile with a dimples .

We continued walking but suddenly we saw Sarah walk fast to us .

"Namjoon !" Sarah shout and she slap Y/N .

"How dare you ?!" I push her .

"H-hey you okay ?" I ask and Y/N look like want to cry .

"You push me ?! I'm your wife ! You leave me and our twins at house ! You have a fair with your ex student ?!" Sarah shout make me and Y/N shocked .

"I'm never married ! Even sleep with you ! No !" I shout but Y/N run away .

"Go fucking die !" I push Sarah again and follow Y/N .

She open the main door and i follow her from back .

"Hey ! Y/N stop !" I grabbed her wrist .

"What ?!" She shout make all of them stare at us .

"N-no . I'm not cheating ! Why you need to believe her ?!" I said . I'm so sad because she believe stranger than me .

"Oh yea . 2 Years ago you half naked with her and now ? She said she your wife !" When Y/N said like that the others shocked .

"Wait wait wait . Guys ! What happened ?!" Jimin ask but we ignored him .

Y/N run to her room .

"Y/N please !" I shout but she ignored me .

"Huh yea right ." I said alone and take a drinks at kitchen .

"Hey w-what is going on ?" Jin ask holding my shoulder .

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