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⚠just for 🔞
⚠dirty talk

I just done with my shower but then i remembered that i need to cook a dinner . I walked in front of Namjoon's room and i hear something . It's like he's crying .

I open the door little and i saw he shirtless . Crying . Am i the one who make him crying ?

Then i pretend like i need help so i knocked the door .

"Erm . Namjoon . Can you help me ?" I ask .

He turn his face to another side so i can't see his face .

"Y/N . Just leave me ." He said and wiped his tears .

"Joon . I-I'm sorry . I just drunk that time !" I go closer to him .

"G-go away . I don't want to see your face ." He said make me shocked . Is he really hate me ?

"W-why ? Y-you hate me ?" I asked .

"No . I'm didn't hate you but . When Jimin send the video to me , i was like , I can't moved . I love you but what did you do ? You have a sex with your own friends ." He crying again .

"Jimin ? H-he send you a video ?" I shocked . It's Jimin .

"Y-yea . I don't know why he send me the video but it's really look like you guys drunk ." Namjoon said again .

"Joon . Please . I'm sorry . I love you . Forgive me ." I cry at his shoulder .

"It's take a time . Now go away . I didn't ready to talk a lot with you like before ." He pushed me softly .

"I-i understand it ." I said and leave .

I at stairs going to go to cooked . I wiped my tears and i thought that Jin and Jungkook was in their room but they saw it . They saw i'm crying .

"Y/N . You okay ?" Jungkook asked and stop looking at his phone .

"Y-yea i'm okay ." I replied and walked to kitchen .

"Namjoon said something isn't ?" Jin quickly grabbed my wrist .

"N-no ." I lie .

"Don't lie ." Jin said again .

"Is he really hate me ? He can't forgive me ?" I crying a lot that time .

"Why you said like that ? He not hate you okay ? He maybe just . Shocked ." Jin hug me .

Then you brake the hug .

"I need to cook first ." I said and walked fast to kitchen . When i was cooking i try to remember what is going on between me and my bestfriends


"Thanks Suga !" I drunk .

"Yah you drunk ?" Suga asked . Suga and Jimin didn't drunk yet but Taehyung and I already drunk .

"Maybe ." I laughed .

"I want 1 more bottle !" I shout .

"Me too !" Taehyung join it .

"Hey hey ! You guys are so drunk right now ." Suga pull me and Jimin pull Taehyung's hand and go to outside of the bar .

"Yah ! I want it !"

"No !" Suga said .

"Please ! Just one ." I pout and he nods . He take me back to bar and we drink again . Then not just me . Suga and Jimin also already drunk .

"Y/N . Want have some fun ?" Taehyung asked and kiss my neck .

"Yah don't touch her , Tae !" Jimin push Tae .

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