forgive me

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Namjoon POV

I go downstairs and saw Y/N is cooking at kitchen . It's already 1 weeks she ignoring me . Jin and Jungkook was in their room so i think this is my time .

I go to her slowly because i don't want she noticed me .

I hug her from back .

She gasp loudly and i put my face at her shoulder . I looked at her .

"Namjoon . Go away ." She push me .

"Y-Y/N . Please ." I hug her back .

"I said go away !" She shout and push me hardly . I almost felt actually and her shout makes the others go downstairs but i didn't notice them .

"Y/N . I'm sorry okay ? You keep ignoring me !" I want to hug her again . I miss her .

"Just go away , Namjoon . I'm not in my mood ." She said as she continued cooking .

"Y/N please . Let me explain okay ? You can't believe what you saw . That's not like you think ." I'm trying to explain .

"Not like i think ? Oh yea . You shirtless and she also half naked . Oh wow . Not like i think ." Y/N not looking at me . Is she really hate me ?

"I'm sorry . S-she trying to flirt me okay ? I just love you . Please !" I hug her tightly.

"Go away , Namjoon . I'm making lunch ." She said in calm voice .

"No . I will not brake the hug ." I hug her more tight .

"Go away ! Please ." She shout .

"Y-you hate me ?" I ask . I don't want she hate me .

"Yes ! I mean n-no . Okay ? I just Can't believe you cheat !" She shout again . I know she hate me .

"I'm sorry . I-i leave now ." I said and turn around . I shocked cause i saw Jung kook and Jin at there is look at me .

I just walked and not looking at them . I sit at couch and they follow .

"N-namjoon ." Jungkook said my name .

"Yea ?" I pretended like i'm looking my phone . I'm trying to hold back my tears .

"Y-you okay , hyung ?" He asked again make me stop looking at phone .

"Y-yea i'm okay ." I still didn't want to looked them .

"Look at us ." Jin said and turn up my head .

"You crying ? Aish ." Jin saw my eyes was red . He hug me .

"How i need to tell her ? I need her okay ? Why she can't believe me ?" I said as i hug Jin back .

"No . S-she will believe it one day okay ? Just wait ." Jin wiped my tears . His clothes wet because of my tears .

"I try your idea , Jungkook . It's not going well ." I said and looked at Jungkook .

"I-i'm sorry hyung . I thought it will going well ." Jung kook look down .

"No . It's okay . At least i can hug her ." I said in smiled but still crying .

"Aish this boy . Stop crying . We're here ." Jin hug me again .

Then i put my head at his lap . I just want to lay down and sleep .

I close my eyes and i felt asleep .

End Namjoon POV


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