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⚠this is 🔞
⚠if you don't like any sex story so please skip this part
⚠dirty talk

Jimin and Suga said i need to flirt with Namjoon . It's mean i need to have a sex with him but how .

"Jimin . You go to canteen with Suga first . I want to go to toilet ." I said and they nod . They go to canteen and I'm not going to toilet actually . I'm going to Namjoon's office .

I knocked the door .

"Come in ." He said and you open . He look at me .

"What now , Y/N ?" He stand up .

"Erm . I just want to rest with you . Can ?" I asked back .

"I have many work , Y/N ." He said and not looking me . He look like want to go to his chair back but i grabbed his wrist . I push him to wall and kiss him . He didn't kiss me back .

He push me . "What are you doing , Y/N ?!" He mad .

"I'm horny ." I said and smirk .

"I'm not in the mood ." He look down .

"But i need you ." I said as i push him to wall again . And i kiss his lips . He didn't want to kiss me back .

"Kiss me , Mr.Kim ."

"Y/N . I said again . I have a work okay ? And no . I don't want to fuck pussy that have a sex with other guy . Get it ?" He push me again .

He want to go but i pull him again and i hold his pants . I can feel his hard cock .

"You was hard isn't ?" I said .

"No . I'm not . Stop fucking doing this Y/N ." He mad again .

"I'm horny daddy ." I said as i moved my hand to my panties . He saw it .

"Y/N . Stop this ! I don't want you . You already give your pussy to others guys ! And they cum inside ! N-no !" He shout .

I go closer to him and i take his hand . I moved his hand to my panties . Now his hand at my pussy .

"Please daddy . Pleasure me !" I'm really horny .

"Y/N . Don't make me fuck you . If i fucked you , You can't walked for a weeks Y/N . I promise that ." He said and moved his hand .

"I want you daddy !" I kiss his lips and take off his clothes slowly .

He kiss me back .

He take off my clothes too .

Now i just with a bra and panties . He is just with his boxer .

"Fuck me , Daddy !" I kiss his body makes he moans .

"Y-Y/N . S-stop teasing me !" He said .

He push me to his desk and he take off my panties .

"You're wet . You really needy yea ?" He smirked . He pushed his finger in my pussy without any warn .

"F-fuckk daddy ! Fuck meee !" I moans loudly .

"Don't so loud Y/N . The students will hear us ."

He take off my bra and he suck my nipples . His left hand moved to my pussy .

"Ughhhh . Y-yes ." I moans again .

"Now suck my dick ." He give his cock . I suck it hugrily .

"Uhhh yes Y/N . Like t-that ." He moans .

"Yes yes faster baby girl ." He moans again then we suddenly hear someone knocked .

He wear his clothes back . He push me down of his table and he sit at chair . He didn't wear pants so i can see his dick . He just wear shirt .

"Come in ." He said . Then i hear Suga and Jimin voice .

"Erm . Mr.Kim. Do you see Y/N ? She didn't come back after she said she want to go to Toilet ." Jimin said .

"No . I didn't see her. Do you already check at toilet ?" Namjoon asked . I'm so hugrily right now so i put Namjoon dick in my mouth .

"Yes we already check it ." Suga said .

"Ughhh . Ugh ." Namjoon moans .

"Erm . Mr.Kim . You alright ?" Suga asked. 

"Y-yea ugh i think she will come ugh back ." Namjoon said try to control his moans .

"Okay . Thanks Mr.Kim ." They said and leave . I was suck his dick .

"Yah . You so naughty . I didn't ask you for suck my dick baby girl ." Namjoon look at me .

"But i want it daddy ." I said .

"Now you need a punishment ." He carry me to his desk back and push me .

"Open your legs baby girl ." Namjoon said and smirk . I open my legs .

"Good girl ." He point his dick at my pussy . He shoved it .

"Ughhhhhh ! You are so wet , Y/N ." He moans .

"Ughhhh . Faster Faster ! Fuck ! Ughhh !" I moans .

He go fast . Very fast . My pussy become hurt .

"S-stop ! Ughhhh ." I moans

"I can't stop baby . You start it . So finish it ." He said as he smirked again .

"Fuckk ! Ugh . It's so hurt ! Daddy !" I moans too loud .

"Moans loud than that , i go more hard baby ." He whispered .

I bite my bottom lips .

"Good girl ." He smiled and continued fuck me .

I really want to moans .

"Daddy can i cum ? Ughhh !" I asked .

"No . You can't . I didn't come yet ." He fuck me hardly .

"Oh fuck ! Yes yes yes yes yes !" I moans .

"You like it baby girl ?" He smirked .

"Yes . I want you fuck me everyday daddy !" I said and he go more harder .

"Yes yes . Oh fuck . I want to cum !" I shout .

"Hold it baby ." He said .

I try to hold it .

"Baby . I want to cum too . Let's cum together !" We cum .

"Oh . This is so hot ." He said as sit at his chair . I still lay down naked at his desk .

"So you forgive me ?" I asked and sit down .

"I will forgive if you promise that you will not go anywhere without my permission . You . Was . Mine ! Get it ?" He asked .

"Get it daddy ." I smiled .

"Want round 2 ?" Namjoon smirk and wear his pants back .

"Yeah ! I want ." I said excited .

"Now i will send you to your class and i will said that you was helping others teachers ." Namjoon wear his shirt back same with me .

"Okay ."

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