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Jimin POV

"You just forgive him and already did a sex again ?!" Suga shout .

Y/N nod it .

"Suga ! Don't shout ! My brother will hear us !" I whispered mad at Suga . We at my house and my brother will hear our conversation .

"I already hear it !" Taehyung laughed from stairs .

"Yah ! Just go to your room back !" I mad at Taehyung .

"Yah don't mad . I keep it as a secret ." Taehyung said and give a boxy smiled .

"Want to go to bar tonight ?" Suga asked .

"Yea i want !" We all said in same time .

Skip time ~

End Jimin POV

I didn't tell Namjoon that i will going to bar . He will mad .

"Hey guys . I'm ready !" I said as they are waiting in front Of Namjoon's house .

"Come . Quiet ." I said whispered and they nod .

"So where's the bar ?" Taehyung asked .

"We will arrived in 5 more minutes !" Suga said . He look at his hand watch .

Then we arrived .

"Who will pay the drink ?" Jimin asked because today we want to drunk .

"I'm invited you so i will pay ." Suga said and smiled . We drink so much until we drunk .

Then i fainted (maybe) .

I wake up .

I don't know where am i .

It's not my room .

I turn left and right .

"Yah !" I shout as they wake up . We all naked .

It's Taehyung , Jimin and Suga . They sleep next to me and we all naked .

"What you guys do to me ?!" I said as i take my blanket and cover my body .

"I-i don't know . I swear !" Suga also drunk .

"Just we have a sex ?!" Jimin asked shocked . He didn't know too .

Then we found something that like a white colour . It's likes One of them cum .

"N-no ! I can't believe it !" I said and run to bathroom .

"Y/N !" They all shout my name .

"H-how we can have a sex with her ?!" Taehyung panicked .

I was in bathroom hear what they are talking . I'm crying .

"N-no . Please tell me this is just a dream !"
I shout in my mind . I'm crying . If Namjoon know , he will be mad .

I wear a clothes and we all walked together .

They bring me to Namjoon's house .

When i opened the main door , i saw Namjoon already locked his jawline , Jin and Jung kook also already came back from holiday ?

I walked in . Taehyung , Jimin and Suga follow me .

"Where you go , Y/N ?!" Jungkook asked worried .

"E-erm . L-library ." I lie .

They 3 siblings stare at me . They know i have a sex with my friends ?!

"N-namjoon . Why you look mad ?" I asked .

"You can asked me why i look mad ?!" He shout and we shocked . Jin try to make Namjoon calm down .

"Y-Y/N . Can you explain this ?" Jin give a phone and have a video that i have a sex with them . Who give it ?!

"I-i" I didn't know what to answer .

"You what , Y/N ?!" Namjoon shout again .

"N-namjoon . We're drunk ." Suga said . They also look scared .

"You drunk ?! You just 18 , Y/N !" That makes Namjoon shout again , again and again .

"Can you guys just go ?" Namjoon said in calm tone . They nod and they leave. It's Taehyung , Jimin and Suga . They leave . So now it just me , Namjoon , Jung kook and Jin .

"Explain , Y/N ! You just forgive me and now you make me . Aish !" Namjoon didn't finish his sentence .

"Y-Y/N . T-this is not you right ?" Jungkook asked and thought i will said no .

"I was drunk last night . We all drunk . I wake up and i saw we all already naked !" I explained .

"I didn't give enough ?" Namjoon asked make me shocked .

"Namjoon . T-that's not like that ." I said and almost crying .

"Whatever . I'm done !" He shout and leave the house .

"Y-Y/N . I can't believe you do that . With other guys ? No . It's your friends ." Jin said and pull me sit next to him .

"Explain to me . I will understand it ." Jin said and i already crying .

"I-i just drunk . Last night they invited me to go to bar and i agree . I didn't tell Namjoon because i know he will not give me a permission . Then i wake up , i was not in my room . I naked . I didn't remember anything !" I said and crying .

"It's okay . We understand ." Jin said and hug me .

"Now just explain it to Namjoon ." Jung kook said and i nod . I'm waiting Namjoon until midnight .

I already call him almost 400 times . I text him almost 1000 times . He didn't replied .

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