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⚠dirty talk

Suga POV

"So you forced her ?!" Jungkook ask . We shocked because we see Namjoon naked with Y/N at couch just now .

"Yea . I don't care . What she start , she need to finish it . That's what my mind said ." Namjoon said and raised his eyebrows .

"What she calling you ?" Jimin look excited to know .

"Did i need to tell ?" Namjoon ask and we laughed .

"Ofc you need to tell !" Jung kook also want to know .

"Daddy ." Namjoon said .

"What ?" We all asked in same time .

"She called me daddy !" Namjoon said and smiled .

"Yah . I'm jealous !" I said .

"What you calling her ?" We ask .

"Aish . You guys ask many question"

"Let us know it !" Taehyung already speak .

"I'm calling her with many names . Darling , baby , slut , baby girl ." He said make us shocked .

"And ." He said .

"And ?" We asking .

"My favorite , whore ." Namjoon said again .

"You serious ?" We ask shockedly . 

"Come ." Namjoon pull Taehyung's hand . We followed .

"Wait at here . Look this ." Namjoon bring us to Y/N's room and open the door little to give us see what he want to show .

Namjoon go to Y/N closer and he hug Y/N from back . Y/N didn't notice us .

"Hey whore ." Namjoon said and hug her .

"Not now , daddy . They at downstairs ." Y/N said and push Namjoon softly . Namjoon just go out and pull us back to downstairs . Sit at couch .

"See . I said it ." Namjoon said and raised his eyebrows .

"You know ? You already make me jealous ! I don't have girlfriend !" Jungkook said .

"You think just you that don't have a girlfriend ? I also . Why ? I'm handsome right ? Why she choose you ?!" Jin said and do a sad face .

"I'm too hot ." Namjoon said and we laughed .

"Guys . Watch a television first . Give me a chance to do something at bathroom with Y/N ." Namjoon said make us laughed again .

"Go Namjoon ." We said and he chuckled . We can see he go to Y/N's room .

End Suga POV

I was choosing a clothes to wear but then i saw Namjoon come back to my room . I actually worried if Namjoon mad at me because just now he trying to flirt me and i push him . Then he just leave without saying anything .

"Hey daddy ." I said and kiss his neck . He ignored me .

"Hurm why daddy ignored his whore ?" I pout .

He ignored again .

I kiss his lips softly and my hand moved to his pants . I touch his dick .

"Now you already know how to make me feel better yea ?" Namjoon finally said and kiss my lips back .

"My whore already shower ?" He asked .

"No ." I answer .

"Want to continue in bathroom ?" He said and kiss my neck .

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