Pleasure me

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⚠Dirty Talk
⚠If you can't read about sex or anything that can be associated with sex please don't read this !
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I pack my clothes then I shower and change the clothes . I already said to Mr.Kim to wait me in the car for 30 minutes and he nods so I think I want to shower and change to comfortable clothes .

Namjoon POV

"Mr.Kim . Wait for me for 30 minutes . I will back ." Y/N said and smiled to me . I nod it with a smiled too . I wait in the car for 3 minutes and suddenly my friend got hard . I don't know why so i think i will go in her house . Then i was finding her . I go upstairs and saw her room .

"What clothes need i take yea ?" She saying alone and pack the clothes . I just watch what she do .

Then something happened that make me getting hard . Y/N naked because she want to shower .

"I-i needy now !" I said in my mind . Then i saw her going to her bathroom . I opened her room's door and i go to her bathroom . It's not locked ! I opened the door little and i saw she was showering and she moans ?!

She watching a phone . I think she watching a porn maybe . I saw her masturbate . I didn't believe this beautiful girl watching porn ! My friend needs to calm down .

But i can't just go in and helped her ! She will be scared at me . N-no . I can't ! I run to her door but i heard she moans ... My Name ?!

"Ugh M-mr.Kim ! Ughhhh F-fuck me !"

W-why ? N-no ! Namjoon wake up ! Just waited at your car ! I run to my car and try to calm down . I can't just get in and do sex with her . She will be scared at me . After 15 minutes , she comes with the bag . I get out from car and helped her . I staring at her then .

"Hello . Mr.Kim ." She keep saying my name because i stare at her .

"Yea ?" I said .

"Can we go now ?" She asked me .

"Y-yea ." We go in my car and i drive . I still thinking . My friend don't want to calm down . I need her ! I looked at her . She wearing a short skirt . That makes me more harder !

I changed my mind . I need her now ! I'm not going to my house .

"So where you're house ?" She asked suddenly .

"We will arrived in 5 more minutes ." I lied .

I drive to somewhere else . I stop the car and it's not too far from forest . Many people don't use this road . I don't know why . So i thinking this is my time !

"Why you stop here , Mr.Kim ?" She asked and look at me .

"Y-Y/N . Can you help me ?" I asked her back .

"Yea . What is it ?"

"Pleasure me . I know you want me , Y/N . Make it with me ." I said and take my hand to inside her skirt .

"M-Mr.Kim . I-i don't want this ." She push my hand.

"I know . I heard you moans my name , Y/N . Don't lie . Pleasure me . My friend needs to calm down ." I said and kiss her lips .

"M-Mr.K-Kim." She trying to speak something but i kiss her roughly . She push me !

"I don't want this !" She shout and want to open the door but i quickly locked it .

"Where you want to go , Y/N ? Make with me ." I said and smirk . I'm so horny right now .

"N-No !" She shout .

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