untitle part

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⚠dirty talk

I'll try to walked and prentend nothing Happend .

"Hey Namjoon . I want to go to market . I need to buy some vegetables for cook ." I asked Namjoon that talking with Jin and Jungkook at living room .

"You want me to bring you ?" He asked .

"No it's okay . I can walked ." I smiled .

"Sure ?" He still worried about me .

"Yea ." I said and leave the house .

Jung kook POV

"Hey Namjoon . Tell us ." Suddenly Jin hyung said .

"About what ?" Namjoon asked but not looking at us .

"Why you fucked her like that ?" Jin asked again .

"W-who ? I didn't fuck anyone . You crazy ?" Namjoon stop looking his phone .

"Can you admit it ? You guys moans so loud last night . We check it and it's from Y/N's room ." I said make him little shocked .

"Erm . It's from her room . That's not mean it was me ." He pretended like nothing happend . He is too smart .

"Don't lie , Namjoon . We open the door and we see how you fuck her . We not horny that time . We looked at Y/N's face that she really in pain last night ." Jin said again .

"Aish . I know . She is too much yesterday . I already said with her don't flirt with my siblings ." Namjoon mad .

"Why you jealous ? You in relationship with her ?" I asked and he just nodded .

"With your student ? You crazy ? You just know her yesterday right ?" Jin said in loud tone .

"Yes . I just know her last night . She make me horny you know ? You know what happened ?" Namjoon keep saying .

"Tell us ." I said .

"So yesterday i'm in love with her when she introduce herself to me . Then when rest i asked her to help me . So she helped me but when the books that she hold felt she take it . I can see her panties . That enough makes me horny you know ?" Namjoon explain .

"You serious ? Then what you do ?" Jin want to hear more .

"I plan something . I pretended like i'm busy with my phone and i hit her so we both fell and i was top of her . We kissing suddenly ." Namjoon said with a proud face .

"You're so smart , Namjoon hyung !" I clap my hand and laughed .

"Then she becomes shy and leave me . The next class i hear she talking with her best friend to help her finding a job as a maid . So i think this is my time . I asked her and she just accept it . I bring her and her friend back . After i send her friend , i take Y/N to her house to pack the clothes . I just wait at car but you know ? I will get hard suddenly . So i just go in and finding her ." Namjoon explain again .

"Then ?" Me and Jin said as we raised our eyebrows .

"I see her naked at her room . She want to shower . Then i followed her to her bathroom and i saw her masturbate and you know she moans what ?" Namjoon stop saying again .

"What ?" Jin asked .

"She non stop moans my name . That makes me hard you know ?" Namjoon explain .

"Your name ? I think she have a crush at you that time ." I shocked .

"Then i just run away because i don't want to have sex with her that time . But then i saw her wearing short skirt make me changed my mind . I lie to her that we on our way to go to my house but i drive to the road that not too far from forest . She asked me why . Then i said i need her help . At first she don't want until i really make her enjoy . Then she agreed ." Namjoon explain again .

"So that's mean you fucked her twice yesterday ?" Jin asked shocked .

"Y-yea . And i lie . I didn't have any meeting yesterday ." Namjoon chuckled .

"So why you fucked her roughly last night ? I can see she is in pain when you don't stop fuck her ." I asked .

"She make me jealous . I already said it . Don't flirt with my siblings but you see yesterday ? She smiled at you guys and she said you cute . Then you think i didn't saw that you guys hugging her ?" Namjoon is mad now .

"Yah . We don't have any feelings to her okay ? She is yours ." I said as i give a bunny smiled .

"But i have a problem ." Namjoon said make us confuse .

"Why ?" Jin asked .

"About my ex girlfriend ." Namjoon said .

"Ex girlfriend ? Sarah ?" Jin asked again .

"Yea . You know . She be a science teacher at Y/N's school . What if she suddenly take a anntention from me and Y/N saw it ? She will be mad at me ." Namjoon sigh .

"It's okay . If that happened we will tell her okay ?" I said and Jin agreed .

Then we heard a door was open .

"Hey ." It's Y/N .

"Hey Y/N ." We all said in the same time .

"I will cooked first yea ." Y/N give a smiled .

"You lucky have her . She beautiful . Don't brake her heart ." Jin warn Namjoon .

End Jungkook POV

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