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Jhope POV

"Do what ?! Tell me Y/N !" I mad . I was worried .

"Why he need to raped me ?!" Y/N shout and crying .

"Hyun ?" I asked and she nodded .

"Y/N . I swear i will kill that boy ! That stupid monkey is too much !" I mad .

"Wait wait wait . Who hyun ?" Jungkook suddenly ask .

"Can i tell ?" I ask Y/N and she nod .

"Hyun is my brother . 7 years ago , we have a fighting and i don't know why he really hate Y/N and her parents . Hyun almost killed Y/N 5 years ago and now ! I swear i will kill him !" I run outside .

"Jhope !" They all shout my name .

"Jungkook , Jimin . Take care of Y/N . I want to follow . Suga let's go !" Namjoon said and they all follow me . So it's just Jungkook ,Jimin and Y/N at the room .

"Jhope ! Wait !" Jin pull my shoulder . We already at my car .

"What ?" I mad .

"Let us help you ." Jin said again .

"Come on ." They sit at my car and i drive .

"Who is Hyun ?" Suga ask .

"He is my oldest brother . He hate Y/N . He almost killed Y/N 5 years ago . And now he come back ! Fuck !" I really mad . I hit my door many times .

"Yah language ! They still a student ." Namjoon said . 

"Sorry . He is too much . That monkey . I swear i will kill him !" I shout .

Then we all arrived at forest .

"His house at here ?" Jin asked .

"Yea . There ." I point the house in front of us .

I get out from car and run to his house .

"Wait !" They all shout and follow me .

I hit the door many times .

"Hyun ! Get out ! Yah ! Hyun ! Jung Hyun !" I hit the main door .

"What fucking you want ?!" Hyun open the door .

"What you do huh ?! Why you raped Y/N ?! Why you hate her so much ?!" I push Hyun hardly .

"So ? I already tasted her . You want ?!" Hyun laughed like crazy person .

"Before i kill you ! Aishhh !" I shout .

"Kill me ! Try to kill me ! I'm your brother !" Hyun replied .

"I don't have fucking brother like you ! Namjoon ! Take that knife !" I shout as i point to table next to Namjoon .

"You serious ?" Namjoon ask .

"Take it !" I shout .
He take and give it to me .

"You will died today , Hyun ." I said and point the knife at him .

"Kill me !" Hyun dare me .

"Who with you huh ? You and who raped
Y/N ? Tell me !" I shout again . The others just look .

"I don't want to tell ." He said make me more mad .

I stabbed his stomach .

Many blood come out .

"Tell me !" I shout .

"Jhope . Enough !" Jin said and try to stop me .

"You want me to stop ? He raped my sister ! You want me stop ? Let me kill this fucking boy ." I mad . I was like a crazy person at there .

"Tell me !" I shout again .

"It's Joong ." He answer weak .

"Lie ! Joong is my best friend !" I shout

"What you think , Jhope ? He is using you . He also don't like you ." Hyun said make me stabbed his stomach many times .

"Just died !" I shout .

"Jhope ! What you just do ?! You kill your own brother ?" Suga shocked .

"I don't have a brother like this ." I said and wash my hand . Have many bloods .

"Namjoon ! Don't just quiet ! Said something !" Taehyung also shout .

"I-i'll join Jhope ." Namjoon said make me and others shocked .

"W-what do you mean , Namjoon ?!" Jin mad .

"He raped my girlfriend ! Wake up guys ! You still want to defend this fucking guys ?! Oh yea right . You didn't care about Y/N actually . Just don't act like you care about her . If you care about her , you will not defend this stupid guy ! He raped my girlfriend !" Namjoon shout like crazy person . Now they are fighting .

"N-namjoon . We care about her okay ? Don't said that !" Taehyung said .

"Who is Joong ?" Namjoon ask me .

"Joong is my best friend . I doesn't know it's true or not he also raped Y/N . But i noticed he always stare at Y/N's body so it's maybe truth ." I said and stare at Hyun .

"How about him ?" Suga ask .

"Let him here . I don't care if i will went to jail or what . I just want to kill this fucking guys !" I said and walked fast to my car . The others follow .

"Where Joong's house ?" Jin ask .

"We will arrived in 30 minutes ." I said and drive .

"Namjoon . We're sorry okay ?" Jin said sorry but Namjoon just ignore him . Namjoon also already become crazy .

We arrived at Joong's house and we do a same things we do to Hyun . I kill him .

"Now we need to go to hospital back ." I said and they nod . They already see i'm killing people for the first time .

Then we arrived at hospital .

Jimin is sitting next to Y/N . Y/N is eating .

"Hey guys ." We pretended like nothing happened .

"Yah Jhope . Why your clothes have a red colour ?" Y/N ask .

"Oh it's just a drinks ." I lie . I forgot to change my clothes !

After a few hours we leave Y/N . Jimin accompany Y/N tonight .

Then we all go to Namjoon's house .

"Namjoon . We're sorry okay ? I just . I just shocked !" Jin said and holding Namjoon's wrist .

Namjoon push him and ignore . He sit next to me .

"Why you keep saying sorry ?" Jung kook doesn't know anything .

"T-they kill who raped Y/N ." Suga said make Jungkook shocked .

"Yah Namjoon hyung you killed people ?!"
Jungkook really shocked .

"Why ? He deserved that !" Namjoon said .

Jung kook was shocked for what Namjoon just do .

"You guys just didn't care about Y/N . Stop act like you guys care about her ." Namjoon said and walked to his room .

"Aish !"

End JHope POV

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