Soap Factory.

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The alarm went off the small clock beside my bed, my weary eyes were forced open and to look at the clock, 10AM, just 2 hours from the most important time of my life. The words that Wolfie had spoken to me, reasured me. Perhaps my mother had experimented on herself and that added towards my restistance, but we're still unsure. I sat up, slamming my hand on the clock and swallowing as I looked around my room as though it was my last. I went to my wardrobe and pulled out a pair of tights, black shorts that came about half way down my thighs and were high wasted and a red and black chequred shirt accompanied by maroon coloured converse. I brushed my hair, letting it's natural wavey state let down for the day, put my foundation, mascara, winged eyeliner, powder, everyday face on with a hint of something more on. I wanted to look prepared, and if that meant looking like an idiot with a face full of makeup, they I'd be damned to go any other way. I stood, running to the bathroom and brushing my teeth then applying my lip gloss and puckering my lips as the door swung open and Will's eyes widened, he was only wearing combat shorts and a white vest top, and by god did his body look like a piece of art. 

"Sorry." He muttered.

"My fault, I should of locked it." I chuckled walking out and letting him have his space for a bit before walking downstairs to see Elle and Rob in the kitchen ready and waiting. "Big day." I mumbled. 

"You don't say." Elle said handing me a coffee and I took it with a smile, taking a sip. "You'll be okay, do you understand me?" She placed a hand on my shoulder and I nodded. "Just make sure to be back in time for Christmas, okay? I need you to be here when you open the presents." She grinned and I nodded. 

"She will be." Rob said. "We'll make sure of that." 

"This deal has to go one way, Senna." Will said entering the room. "There's not room for fuck ups."

"There wont be one. I'm young, I understand, but you've got to trust me like they do, them out there." I pointed to the guardian autobots outside and we all nodded. "This is going to test us, they're going to attempt to break us, don't let them. Never give up, promise?" I looked at Elle who nodded then Rob and Will and downed my coffee. "I'm going to double check we're all set up, I'll have to leave then." I said and I felt a hand take mine and I shot up to see Elle, her eyes full of tears and I pulled her into my embrace. 

"You come home, promise me?" She told me and I nodded 

"I'll always come home." I replied pulling away and laughing with a small smile before walking outside, they were talking of preperations, Ironhide mostly to Prime about his role in this. 

"Senna, I have the plan." He told me walking away from Prime. 

"Go ahead, tell me."

"You'll be getting all the agents to step away from there cars, so I'll just pick one up, put it in the woods and then replace it with myself." Ironhide nodded his head with a triumphing grin and I laughed softly unsure of the whole idea, but I had faith in him, I had faith in them all. 

"Good job, where's Bee?"

"Right here." An unknown voice echoed from the barn and he walked out, it was still strange seeing him being more black than yellow, but we all had to make a change in order for this to work, some more than others, and Bee never let me forget that, not once. The voice was deep but soothing, but not old enough to make him sound like an old man, if he was a person, I'd guess 22 at the oldest. "He fixed my control box." 

"Ratchet fixed your voice box?" I called up excitedly and smiled high fiving Bee, well what we called a high five, it was really just me putting my hand out and his finger tapping it really, but it was close enough. 

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