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I awoke to the sensation of moving, my eyes darting open to meet a metallic hand and a evil laugh. 
"Good morning, young Senna. Can you recall what happened?" A familiar voice made the hair at the back of my neck stand on end. Zarney. My eyes darted from one spot to the other, but it was complete darkness, the only thing I could see was the light that beamed down at me, burning into my eyes. It hurt, my whole body hurt. Body. Metal! I gasped, quickly looking down to my arm with a frown. Wasn't there metal there? I swallowed as a brown metallic chain wrapped around my wrist. I was sitting in a chair, chained in for safety? I looked up to Zarney, a hint of terror swarmed her eyes.
"Who's safety am I in here for?" I asked with a small tilt of my head, her eyes widening."Mine, or yours?" I snarled, an anger that I didn't even know I had surged through me, my whole body felt as though it was being over taken by darkness, and I could do nothing. I felt threatened, and that's why I felt the way I was. I rose my hand, my palm out flat and suddenly Zarney went flying across the room landing on the floor with a growl and rolling onto her stomach. "You know, if you're trying to hurt me?" I snapped ripping my arms, legs, chains free of the restraints. My veins grew blue once again, and I felt my heart beat, the blood pulsing through my body. "You won't win this."
"You're wrong." Another voice said, Megatron. "We've already won." 
"No.." I trailed off looking down to the dark blue floor, it shined, and in my reflection I saw myself with glowing eyes. Blue glowing eyes. 
"She doesn't remember." Zarney grumbled standing and flicking a switch, lights ignited the place in a glow and I found a lump forming in my throat at the scene unfolding around me. There sat 8 cages, each with the autobots in, chained up. Wolfie had more chains than the rest, and she rose her head just to look up, only to dart it up with wide eyes when she locked eyes with me. "That's right, Wolfie, look at what you've done."
"Oh Senna..." Wolfie pleaded making Bee's head dart up, his eyes filling with sorrow. "You should of done as I asked!" She snapped making the chains jolt with electricity. "Enough!" Wolfie growled.
"Oh dear, what a shame." Zarney rolled her eyes sarcastically. 
"Where's the others?" I asked turning to face her. "The humans?" 
"There was more humans?" Zarney said shaking her head. "I don't think so." She chuckled.
"No, she's right, there was more." Megatron said. "But, we sadly lost them."
"I wonder if they're dead." Another voice said with a small laugh as the door opened and Starscream walked in. "I certainly hope they are, master." Zarney shot him a look. "My lady." He said quickly. 
"I do too, it'd be nice for the girl to experience the pain she put us through." Zarney looked at me.
"Me?" I called up shaking my head with a laugh. "I've known pain, the pain you've felt, was brought on by yourself, you trash can piece of junk!" I shouted my fists clenching. "You think you're superior? Think you're going to win?" I tilted my head, the same surge of electricity ran through my veins again. "You're stupidly mistaken." I put both hands out in front of me again, sending Zarney flying, knocking over Starscream and landing on top of him on the floor with a sudden clash. Megatron gasped and I turned to face him. "You." Megatron began to chuckle. "It's not funny!" I sulked.
"Oh, but it is." He hissed walking towards me. 
"Get away from her!" Prime shouted weakly. "Leave her be, Megatron." 
"And let her enjoy the fun? I want to know what happened to her! Doctor!" He called, a small looking decepticon walked out from behind shoulder, it looked like a stick insect. "Find out what's going on with her."
"I must check ze brain!" This 'doctor' said looking at Megatron.
"If you must." Megatron nodded and the doctor jumped down, scrambling towards me. I squealed jumping up and walking backwards. Megatron laughed loudly. 
"Come now, little one, I must see ze magic working in your skull." The doctor clicked his two hands and began to climb up my leg. That feeling again, the response to feeling threatened, it sent the a pulse outwards from around all of my body, sending the nerdy insect flying and smashing against Megatron. I looked up to Megatron, putting my hand outwards again but nothing happened. 
"Did it stop working for you?" Megatron teased walking back towards me, and then it slowly began to creep in, the closer he got. And then it clicked, it only happened when I felt threatened. And I was. I put my hand out again, letting a second pass before firing whatever power I'd randomly possessed to throw Megatron across the room. Time. I turned around to see the cages and put both hands out with a slight smirk. Would this work? Let's find out. The surge ran through me again and the glass that kept them caged shattered, giving the autobots enough space to snap the chains that kept them and they cheered crowding around me. 
"Well done little lady!" Jazz cheered. 
"I'm impressed." Ratchet nodded. 
"Nice work, kid." Ironhide grinned. 
"Good work, Senna..." A weary voice said and I looked up to see Prime supported by Archern and Wolfie. 
"Oh no.." I gasped my hands running to my mouth. "I'm so, so sorry." I wept. 
"It's not your fault." Archern shook his head. 
"What you did, it was stupid. But it was brave, and it saved me." Wolfie acknowledged. "I wouldn't be here if you didn't do it. It could of killed you, did you know that?"
"I thought it did." I rose my head a little. 
"And you did it nonetheless?" Wolfie frowned and Archern looked at me, surprised. "I owe you." 
"We all owe you, now let's get out of here." Bee noted and I nodded. 
"I'll take lead." I said, making them all chuckle and I looked around to the destruction, I've knocked out 3 decepticons, now that was cool. 


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