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The sudden change of direction, the sudden change in speed and the sudden sound of loud voices caused me to dart forwards suddenly. What was going on? I looked around, the only thing I was seeing was black. Black. Again? "What is it this time?" I questioned looking around. A chuckle ran from the shadows and I turned around, eyes staring down to me. Zarney's eyes. She drew in a deep breath and then pushed me away, sending me crashing against a wall. My back made a such a click I thought it had snapped. I breathed unevenly, a brow crooked as I looked at her. The room suddenly became lighter and lighter until they went white, a door suddenly appeared at the end of this hall way, a light so bright appearing from it that I had to squint. I covered my eyes quickly until I adjusted to the light before reaching for the door handle and opening it, walls of a light blue with a light pink outskirt, it resembled a baby delivery room, and then a scream peirced the air. Nurses, midwifes and doctors crowded around a woman screaming, none of them had a clue I was there.

"Just push darling, push." A voice supported the lady and I found myself frowning in the familiarity. Looking around the room, I walked forward, ignoring the voices that echoed around me as another voice came into play.

"Do you see?" Zarney asked. "You've been playing the game with us for far too long." She purred, and with each word she clawed with, it clicked even more. Playing the game for a long time, because I've never stopped playing the game. The woman, the dark haired beauty was my mother. Oh god, the sudden pain dashed through me, like a thousand swords shattering my heart.

"What's the point?!" I shouted turning around on my heels, the image fading until all we were in was a black abyss. "Torment me into working with you? Do you honestly think I'd agree?"

"But you don't remember, do you?" Zarney tilted her head, a laugh escaping her. "Oh, this is brilliant! The famous, brave Senna Smith can't even remember the promise she allied with us all those years ago!"

"I did no such thing!" I denied, shaking my head, my brows knitting together in confusion. "If I was to join your, your... stupid side I'd of remember."

"But that's the thing, the autobots erased it from your memory. Poor Ratchet, he was so distraught," Zarney teased, her voice mocking me, "operating on a human, completely against cybotronian protocol."

"You're making this up!" I held my hand out in front of me, praying for the powers I'd inhabited to fade. I frowned, looking at the palms of my hand.

"I'm not, you just don't want to admit it, let me bring it back for you!" And with this, her hand suddenly swiped forwards knocked me flying. And then I awoke on a bed with a jolt. I sat up straight, looking around, the sound of a shower and steam filling this small room. There was a kitchen to my right, too my left a large window and a dark brown door. I placed my feet on the floor, the carpet rough against my bare feet and walked towards the curtains, pulling them back ever so slightly, a wave of light pouring in from the outside. But it was night, and the light was a torch coming from Ratchet, and the moment I saw Ratchet, it all came back.. the sensation of a light beaming into my head, Ratchet warning me of the danger, saying it was 'for the greater good' and 'your protection relies on you forgetting this meeting', it wasn't Zarney who I'd struck the deal with, it was Megatron. The head decepticons of himself, but how could they know that I'd side with the autobots? It wasn't like it was fate, right?

"Senna!" A voice shouted and I jumped, turning around with my back pressed firmly on the wall. Will stood there, a towel around his waist and another in his hand, drying his hair. "Finally, I was calling you for a while." He laughed, but it faded and replaced it with concern. "What's wrong?"

"I've met them before." I muttered, my eyes staring off into the distance, but not focusing. A blank expression forcing to my face. "I'd teamed with them before the autobots."

"Who are you on about?" Will asked, in a tone that suggested... no... my eyes darted up, squinting at Will as his face softened. Tears filling my eyes.

"You knew?" I asked, and although his didn't answer vocally, his facial expression said all. "You knew." I turned on my heels, storming towards Ratchet who looked confused as he looked at me. "You hid the truth from me?!" I shouted up at him, everyone turning to look at me. "Wiping my memory, for the greater good, you brainwashed me into doing it! Things for my greater good, that's my fucking call!" I pointed at my chest before looking to see Prime. "And you authorised it!" I shouted again. "You said no more lies, no more lies Prime! So what is this?" I said putting my arms out as I turned in a circle, enough to realize we were in a old motel, clearly unused. "I'd happily side with you, but something tells me even decepticons wouldn't hide that." I snarled, the hurt look on Prime's face being one I don't think I'll ever get rid off.

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