Shimmer of metal.

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It was a small forest, and it had guards everywhere, scattered at random posts around the forest. I moved awkwardly in my seat, keeping my hands on the steering wheel to make it look like I was the one driving. Ell had moved her hair and mine in a way that no one could recognize us, or so we hoped. "There's a strong reading coming up a head, could be him." Bee's voice broke through the speakers. 
"Do you think?" Elle asked leaning forward in the gap between my seat, the drivers seat, and Will's, passenger side. 
"I'm praying." I intervened. 
"If it's all the same to you, I'm busting for the john." Rob said making me look at him through the mirror with a grin and a shake of my head. "What?" He asked with a frown as Ironhide came to a slow halt. We were at the main gate, my Dad being asked for ID. He jumped out the vehicle and pointed to ours. "What's he doing?" Rob whispered.
"No idea..." Will mumbled moving in his chair and placing a hand on the dashboard.
"Is he blowing us up?" Elle asked, the man walking towards us, however my Dad dragged him back showing him a badge and pointing back to us.
"I don't know this." I replied. "I don't know what he's doing..." I trailed off when the guy nodded, and a bar lifted, letting Ironhide through as my Dad jumped in. A huge concrete building lay in front of us, small windows covered it and a huge door that split open and moved to let us through. "I don't like this, not one bit."
"The sooner we get Archern, the sooner we leave." Bee told us as the facility grew dark and the only light that was shining was one on a BIG metal machine, it was Archern. His metal was overran by ice, nitrate radiated off him, his legs were attached to a machine at the bottom of the floor he was standing on, his hands were tired with metal chains at the top of his head. 
"This is going to be difficult." Elle sighed. 
"Elle, you're with me. Rob, Will, stay in the car unless we need you, c'mon." I ordered Elle, and to my surprise she followed what I said with ease. We hid beside Ironhide. His window rolling down. "I'm getting Archern, on my signal get the hell out of here."
"When will we know the signal?" My Dad pondered.
"You'll know." I responded before walking off, Elle's hand tightly wrapped in mine. "See that control panel?" I quizzed Elle who nodded. "Go and speak to the guys, ask them to take you somewhere, anywhere, buy me enough time to get to the panel and disable whatever is making him freeze."
"How do you plan on doing that?" 
"Well if there's a big red button, I'm pressing it." 
"But I've seen that in movies, you're not meant to press that." Elle warned me as I looked around the corner of the current truck we were sneaking behind until I looked back to her.
"Exactly." I grinned before sprinting to another car, pressing my back against it. I breathed quickly, the darkness of the secret base of 'PUF' finally playing with my eyesight. Elle stood, pushed her top down and her boobs up, brushing her hair away from her chest and walking seductively over towards the man guarding the panel. They talked for a while before she linked his arm and followed him to where ever he was leading her. She looked over to where I was and grinned, sending me a wink before looking back towards the middle aged man she'd just walked off with. My eyes darted from one person, then the other and another. I looked over to where the cars where and saw Bee moving beside Ironhide, what was he doing? Then it dawned on me as the spot light pointed at them and so did everyone with a gun. My turn. With everyone's attention to the cars I sprinted, the fasted my legs could carry me to the control panel. There was four bars, with arrows point left, right, up and down. I knew moving just one of them could gain my unwanted attention. I brushed my hair back and drew a deep breath seeing a big red button. Should I? "Fuck it." I mumbled pressing the button and the chains suddenly released leaving Archern's body to fall to the ground with a extremely heavy thud, everyone turning their attention away from the autobots and to me and the awakening Ancient Wolf. Archern's ears started to move as the dense thudding of armed boots ran and both Ironhide and Bumblebee reversed, stopping to let Elle jump in the back before taking that as their que to leave the building. Archern brought his two hands out, ice falling off him like something you'd left in the snow and you'd just picked it up. He transformed, straight to wolf form, sending ice everywhere, including all over the soldiers and a little on me. A growl erupted from his chest and he snapped his head to my direction, his piercing blue eyes staring down at me. "Relax!" I demanded putting my hands out in front of me. "I'm Senna, I'm on your side!"
"Senna Smith?" Archern's voice calmed me down, it must of been an Ancient Wolf trait. I nodded slowly. "Your father spoke of you as a child..." He snarled.
"No.. no please! I'm with the autotbots! We have the hycher!" My pleads finally took affect and he bowed his head. "Please, Ironhide and Bumblebee have just left, we need to leave!" I turned looking at all the men standing, their guns aimed but no one shooting. They were all in too much of a shock to shoot. 
"Hurry up." Archern lowered his body and I climbed on top, his running body making me feel like I was going at the speed of light. Soon enough we caught up with taillights of Ironhide and Bumblebee and we followed them, they had to know where we were going. They stood us to the outskirts of the forest in which my home was buried in before letting everyone get out and transforming. "Where is everyone?" Archern frowned looking around. "Is this a trap?!"
"No." A voice ran from the trees and we all shot our heads to see Wolfie pushing pasts the green folds of the forest. "No, brother, this is not a trap. I didn't know you were even alive. How?"
"Never mind how, do you have the hycher?" Archern demanded and Wolfie shook her head. "We-" Archon was cut off as the rest of the autobots came in. 
"What happened?" I asked realizing no one was following us. "Did they take the hycher?" 
"I told you they would win." My Dad snapped and we turned around, the small chip in his neck flashing again. "You've got three hours, until we unleash the hycher's power upon New York city. Have fun." And with that my Dad collapsed. 
"Dad!" I called after him, hearing a heart beat. "What is going on with him?"
"He's being controlled through the chip." Ratchet informed us. "We need to take it out."
"It's in his vein!" I shook my head. 
"No way!" Elle backed me up. "Right now, we have to worry about New York, that's hours away!" Archern and Wolfie looked at each other. 
"Senna, Will with me. Rob and Elle with Archern, everyone else, I'll meet you in the Big Apple." Wolfie arranged and lowered herself along with Archern and we climbed aboard, the pair of them running and not looking back. 

New York City. 

Chaos. We were too slow. Decepticon's had over ran the city, people ran quicker when they saw two enormous wolves prowling the streets silently. 
"Archern, if I'm not able to obtain the hycher, you have to put it's power into me." 
"What will that too?" I asked Wolfie. 
"Kill her." Archern snapped. "You know, I never got the chance to thank you, sister."
"For what?" Wolfie looked over to Archern.
"Protecting the hycher, coming back to me." 
"I'd of come back sooner, but I didn't know exactly you were here." She sighed bringing her head down. I looked forward, squinting at a figure that was blocked out by the sun. 
"Guys... what's that?" I called out, too late. A rocket was launched and it sent both me and Will flying through the air, Wolfie and Archern thrown into nearby buildings. I landed on the floor and rolled, bringing my head up weakly to see Zarney walking towards us. Archern stood, snarling over Wolfie's motionless body. 
"Oh, what a pity." Zarney grinned, the rocket coming from her shoulder, as another aimed at Archern. "The colour in her eyes, have disappeared." Archern stopped snarling and turned to his sister, who's body didn't move, even when he yelled her name. 
"No..." I whimpered, ignoring the pain in the back of my head, and pulling myself up. Running beside Archern and standing in front of Wolfie. "This isn't right." I frowned, placing a hand on her snout. The tears fell. Archern snapped, turned to Zarney who aimed the gun back at him. "Archern," I called out his name, his ear moving a little in response, "take no mercy in killing that piece of scarp metal." I spoke through gritted teeth seeing a small decepitcon running with a small cube in his hands. The hycher. "Will!" I called out, hearing everyone groan before I took off in a sprint. People ran in the opposite direction of me. "Move!" I demanded as a car came to a halt right in front of me, I jumped, like something out of a movie, on the bonnet and over the car before sliding off at the back, the decepticon now at a walking pace. I looked around me whilst I ran and found motorbikes, keys in the ignition. I jumped on, making the decepticon turn as I brought the bikes handle bars up and it jolted up in the air, giving me enough space to jump off the bike, grab the hycher, which immediately sunk to my size, and land on the floor with a roll. The decepticon growling as I panted and ran through a small alleyway. I heard the sound of a muscle car and the exit became blocked by Bee who transformed and walked away without seeing me. The decepticon's thudding behind me came closer and I screamed for help, and it came. Jazz came whizzing around the corner, transforming and jumping over me with a whirl to avoid making any contact. 
I got this punk, get that to Wolfie." I stopped dead in my tracks, catching my breath mostly, but Wolfie? No way! I ran back out the alley, standing in awe as in front of my very eyes stood a wolf that had changed, completely again. Instead of being multi-tones she was a complete matte black, her eyes shone like crystal and her claws, her claws were pure silver that shone like diamonds against the Big Apples sun. "He's down." Jazz walked out, tossing the head on the pavement. 
"Wolfie?" I called out, the wolf turned around to look at me. "You.. you're alive? You're alive!" I jumped laughing. 
"You got the hycher?" She called out and I nodded. 
"Snatched it from the decepitcons hands." 
"Senna, you're holding it."
"You're holding it." And with that I acknowledged the pain, the familiarity of the blue tingling it made me do before it was snatched from my grip and I looked up to see Zarney, Wolfie darting behind her, her tail wrapping around me and throwing me onto her back. "I know, this isn't practical but Archern's down, he's regenerating and I need someone to watch my back." She informed me whilst we ran after Zarney. Wolfie jumped up, her paws wrapping around Zarney's small body, her fangs sinking deep into her metallic flesh. The hycher was tossed to the ground beside me as I fell. I kicked it into the nearest alleyway and hid behind the wall. "On my order, Senna, put the hycher against my head! I'll harness it's power!" Wolfie snarled jumping in front of me on all fours to guard me from a stammering Zarney. "Friend, what happened to you?" Wolfie asked in guilt.
"I saw the winning side!"  Zarney spoke through fury lashing out at Wolfie. 
"I felt the pain of loosing a best friend!" Wolfie growled standing on two legs and bringing her fist to Zarney's face, dragging her claws across her cheek. "I fought for you, beside you!" 
"You think I wanted to leave you?" Zarney stopped looking at Wolfie. 
"You didn't?" Wolfie tilted her head whilst Zarney shook her head. 
"You were my friend, Wolfie. I'd never do anything to harm you. Just give me the hycher, we can resolve this." Zarney held her hand out. Wolfie looked over her shoulder to me. No, I thought, she wasn't going to give it to her, was she? And with that, Wolfie turned back to Zarney, took her hand but Zarney had other heads and punched her, sending her to the floor before kicking her. The sound of metal on metal echoing from the scene. 
"Now, Senna!" Wolfie demanded, meaning the hycher. But I had other ideas. I knelt down, grabbed the hycher, and despite all the pain it caused, all the stomach churning, mind chilling, spine tingling and murderous pain that surged from me, I held on. Until all I was see, was the shimmer of something metal forming on my skin before everything went black... 


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