Darkness and memories.

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Rob and Will walked inside after me telling them to dump their bags in the living room. I sat out in the front with the autobots. Leaning against Prime's standing foot I zoned out of their mumbles between each other about how they didn't know, why didn't they know what was going on, how if anyone comes up here threatening me Bee would blow them to- Never mind everyone's seen Bee protective over his humans. I zoned out until Prime lifted his foot up causing me to completely fall backwards onto the grass below me. My neck clicked at the impact before I snapped my head up, sending dirty looks to him whilst leaning forward on my elbows and Prime shrugging. "What the hell was that for?" I demanded. 

"You weren't listening to us, Sen. You zoned out." Will reached down to help me up but I smacked his hand away and helped myself up, walking away from Prime and to Bee. He sat like a child on the ground, arms behind him supporting himself up with his legs crossed. Quickly, climbing on what was his mechanical knee and sitting down, my legs hanging just over the small drop from his knee the ground.

"The decepticons, as you know, are here." Will paused for a brief moment whereas I replied by nodding. "And our immediate idea was Prime, they're after the big guy. But we were wrong-" Will paused when Rob walked out carrying some strange device, it was a big computer kinda thing. Rob pressed play. And the voice was one that sent a sudden shiver through my camaro, a jump in Jazz, a sigh from Ironhide and Rachet and caused Prime to shift to a defensive position. All of their reactions lead me to come to one conclusion of who it was... "Dear autobots and pathetic beings, all of your attempts to protect the human species have lead me to make my own ally with the humans. And with your attention drawn to dealing with their conflicts, you've failed to notice my habitants on earth. But with me follows my army. I and we want what you have. She knows too much. We want the girl. Senna Smith. Hand her over, or hell will rise and I will tear your sparks from your chest. We shall meet soon." ... Megatron.

My heart began to beat rapidly in my chest. My breathing become quickened and I swallowed. 

"And this is why we're here." Rob finished. "Because there is no Megatron is going to show and snatch you right from our grasp." 

"And you've got the best guys on the job, and the autobots on your side." Will reassured whilst I nodded, my breath quickening, head spinning, eyes closing... Darkness. Then as if nothing happens, I was thrown back to how I met my metal family. 

"Come on Senna!" My best friend Elle shouted to me, her lips pulled into a bright smile reflecting the green in her stunning eyes. "I'm being serious, there is an abandoned police car down here, if we can get it working, it's ours for the keep!" Elle's hand wrapped itself around my wrist dragging me from the party we were currently at in the park. My bag bounced at my side whilst we ran, our legs running in sync until we had ran out of concrete and were running on the muddy grass. Tire-marks engraved on the floor where the only indicator that anyone had been here in a while, that and Elle's previous foot prints. We stopped and I allowed Elle to grab her breathe back whilst I ran ahead again to stop at the police car. My fingers running up the hood until I shook my head. 

"No way, Elle. It's a freaking police car! To take it would be like imprisoning ourselves and throwing away the key. Do you really wanna go down for stealing a police car?" Elle's eyes narrowed before laughing and running beside me, her hands resting on the hood, her dark cherry red hair falling below her shoulders, a grin pulled at her lips. 

"It's a fake, Sen! Who would get a cop car without tax?" She pointed to where the small road tax symbol should be. But wasn't. "And who would just leave it here? They're surely take it to a mechanic who'd strip it for it's parts." She laughed whilst calling me a dumbass. "Let's see if you have keys." Elle went for the door only for it to flip open on her, causing her to fall backwards and crash into me. Sending us both curdling to the ground whilst this "police car" changed from a car to a huge machine. Elle shouted for us to run whilst she stood, grabbing me with her. But the ground shook whilst we ran, again, we fell to the ground. Rolling onto our back we stared wide eyed at the monster that stood infront of you. 

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