You should never push an autobot.

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I found myself shaking with worry, decepticons where on my door step and I couldn't do anything about it.
"Give us it." Megatron demanded.
"Give you what?" I shouted to him causing his eyes to meet mine in the window, his smirk sinking deep into my skull, he took a step forward, only to be stopped when Prime took a step forward to match his, hand out in front of him.
"So the coward hides behind her machines, clever. I want something that your father had. That your father owned and promised us, give us it!" He demanded and I swallowed. Did he just mention my father promising him something?
"My Dad wouldn't give you anything!" I screamed back at him, causing his comrade to laugh.
"Master, she does not know of the deed he foretold us, tell her, tell her!"
"Starscream, I shall." Megatron's evil voice rolled off his... Whatever he had and I found myself shaking again, but this time it was obvious and Will's arms around me, causing me to wrap my arms around him.
"It's alright, Sen." He whispered to my ear, hand rubbing up and down my back as I rested my head on his chest, still looking out the window.
"You're dearest Father told us of an artifact he had under lock and key in your home. He promised us it, yet when he didn't fulfill his promise, he claimed he lost the key. He caused this, so we killed him." Megatron seemed to find this amusing, along with Starscream. And I felt the tears of my grief and anger pour from my eyes, no, I thought. I pushed myself from Will's embrace and headed for the door of my bedroom, jogged down the stairs ignoring Will's protests and into the living room where Bob was looking out the window. His head snapped my way and I continued my decent to the doorway, opening the door and letting it slam shut behind me as I walked down the porch and onto the cool Autumn grass, it's freshness crunching under my bare feet. All I saw was red. Eventually I was stopped when Prime knelled down and put his hand out in front of me, causing me to snap out of whatever trance Megatron had forced me into with anger. I gave him a nod, telling him I was alright, and his hand raised and I stood in front of Megatron.
"Listen here!" I shouted. "Whatever my father had promised you, disappeared the day you slaughtered him, Megatron, and if you think for one second that I'll be giving it to you," I pointed my finger at him and laughed slightly. "you're just a fool. A sad lonely fool who is set on the destruction of another. Now get off my property!" I shouted at him causing him to laugh.
"What is she going to do master, oh I am scared." Starscream laughed.
"You should be, because whatever this thing is, I'm still keeping it. And I'll use it if I have too." I crossed my arms over my chest with a grin as Starscreams laugher stopped and he glared at me, a snarl escaping his mechanical lips.
"Don't you dare threaten us, human, we're far too superior for that!" Megatron snapped.
"Go away then." I replied simply.
"Humans." Megatron huffed and I smirked to him.
"I'm more than a human, I'm an autobot. Now get the hell off my property!" I shouted at him before the loud sound of a helicopter echoed through the area and the bright lights of a beam shone.
"Scarscream, retreat!" Megatron called and transformed, shortly followed by Starscream and they, together, shot into the sky an left.

I heard voiced from behind me and turned to see blacked out SUV's, an army truck and a pissed off looking man.
"What is going on here?" Someone called.
"Who are you?" I asked walking to him before realizing who is was and sighing. "Good to see you again, Martin."
"Would you care to explain what is happening?" Martin asked me, yet he looked to Will and Rob.
"Apparently my father had promised Megatron something. He came demanding it."
"Did you give him it?" Martin asked me.
"She's not that thick, Sir." Will said causing Martin to glare at him.
"You're paid to shoot, not talk."
"No I'm paid to protect." Will replied making Martin grit his teeth.
"You're coming with us, Senna." Martin replied.
"Wait.. What do you mean?" I swallowed looking at them, I couldn't get to grasp what he meant.           "If the decepticons want something you have and you aren't going to give it to them, then we're putting you under government protection." Martin replied causing me to frown.                                           "But I, I don't understand." I said with a light hearted laugh as Bee made his way over to him. "Why are you guys protecting me? What makes me so important?" I found myself being drowned by my own thoughts. One minute I was being threatened, the next the government wanted to help me. How could anyone full understand what was going on? How could I understand what was going on.           "Oh you're not important," Martin replied, his tone quite harsh which whipped me slightly. "but someone out there wants you protected." Martin put his hand in the pockets of his jacket and looked at me, clearly understanding the look of confusion that was torn on my face before Prime moved and I found myself thinking for a moment, I looked up to him. Prime completely ignored him. He knew.       "You know what my father did." I said looking to Prime, who's head immediately shot down to look at me. "You never wanted to protect me out of the good of your will, did you?" I shouted and I couldn't feel anything but utter betrayal. "I was nothing special, was I? I was just another pawn in the game of chess you're playing with that evil prick!" I shouted pointing back to where Megatron had previously stood, the look of guilt on Prime's face almost killing me as Bee knelt down to look at me and I turned to face him. "Not you too..." I said quiet, my voice coming out weaker than I thought it would. I swallowed and wiped harshly at the tears that fell from my face. "I thought you choose me, I thought we had something Bee. But you were just doing what you were told, weren't you? That's why Jazz is dead, he wanted to protect whatever I had." I swallowed looking at Bee who looked just as heart broken as I felt.                                                                                                                                                          "At first I was, yeah... but then we clicked, Senna.. We had something, you and I. We're family-"            "Family don't lie to one another." I spat through gritted teeth and walked up to Martin. "If I go with you, am I allowed to let my friend come and visit me? She knows all about the autobots." I asked.        "I suppose. Would you like to collect your things?" Martin asked taking his hands out his pockets.    "Give me half an hour and I'll have all my things packed." I nodded to Martin and headed inside. Getting stopped as Will but a hand on my torso.                                                                                                "You didn't mean those words out there, did you?" He asked and I looked to him. Did I mean them?     "We're going to have to sell this place." I replied moving his hand away and heading up the stairs, grabbing two suitcases and throwing them on top of my bed, carelessly shoving them in them. I watched as a shadow fell in my room and Ratchet stood at the window. He carefully lifted it to say.     "Senna.. You know what you said wasn't true." Told me as I headed to the chest of draws just beside the window opening them and grabbing all my underwear, socks and bra in one big scoop, dropping a few on the way to the suitcase. I ignored him, even he could of told me what was going on, but he choose not too. They all did, Ratchet, Ironhide, Optimus, Jazz even Bumblebee. I thought these guys were my new family, yet they were nothing but an army guarding an important person in their match of power. I dumped them on top of one of the already full suitcases and frowned looking to a small grey crystal looking thing, did I own that? I shoved it to the bottom of my back and squished it down, struggling to get it zipped. A frustrated sigh escaped my lips as I attempted to fasten it, which took me a while but I got it and tossed it near the door in able for me to head straight to the second one. I quickly unzipped it and lifted the top of it. "Don't ignore us, please Sen." Ratchet pleaded and I slowly brought my head up to meet his mechanical eyes. A sigh passed my lips whilst I ran a hand through my hair and I made my way to the window, leaning forward with a small smile.                          "Ratchet..." I said softly as he looked optimistic. "Go away." I snapped and stood back, drawing the curtains and hitting the lamp switch to get the last suitcase sorted. I grabbed all my shoes and put them in the bottom of the back before grabbing the last few of my clothes and realizing I was wearing pijama's. I tossed a quick pair on and headed to my on suite to brush my teeth. Forcefully I pulled the brush through my hair and put it back in a lose french braid and tossed the tooth brush into my bag along with the hair brush and my makeup bag. I scanned the room, with the wardrobe open, draws hanging op, desks left bare only to gather dust with no one here to clean them. I grabbed the pictures from my bedside table, one of me and my dad, one of just my dad and one of me and my best friend. I quickly zipped the suitcase and put it in the door way just as a knock echoed through the room, I opened it to see a solider looking at me.                                                           "Would you like me to take these for you, ma'm?" He asked curiously as I nodded and smiled to him.  "Yes please.. and please be careful of this one!" I told him pointing the the second one. "It had pictures in I'd rather not smash." I chuckled making him laugh as he took them downstairs and I stared at the empty room. Somethings I'd left, like the odd hairspray, a few old CD's which I'm definitely not going to miss, a wolf portrait on the side and the clock just opposite my bed. My bed. I sighed as I looked at the messy sheets knowing immediately I wouldn't leave it in the state that it was currently in. I slowly walked to it, pulled back the duvet and fixed the bottom sheet, plumped up the pillowed and tossed to duvet over it, running my fingers over the cooling satin sheets before taking one last look and deep breathe in my own home before slipping on my black converse and heading downstairs, ignoring the guilt ridden look off the autobots, and straight to Martin. "Ready? I asked him as he nodded and pointed to a SUV, I turned around to see if it was Ironhide and sighed realizing it wasn't him. I stepped in the backseat, the young solider who had took my bags was driving.                

"Ready to go?" He asked, looking at me through the mirror and I nodded turning to look back the house. A single tear escaping my eyes, I let it fall as I stared to the white house, Will and Rob jumping in the SUV beside me.                                                                                                            

"Let's go." I told him reluctantly, turning back to face the main window. "Before I change my mind." 

And we headed off, my home disappearing into the sunrise... I should have never bought that camaro. I should of never listened to them.

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