At each others throats.

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"Your brother died though." I frowned looking at her whilst my father shook his head. "Why is everyone coming back from the dead?" I mumbled running a hand over my face. 

"Senna." My father warned.

"David." I replied making his eyes widen. 

"Come on, Senna." 

"Me?" I repeated making him frown. "You're telling me off? I'm sorry, when did you ever decide to take parenting skills into your own hands, Dad? You left me, remember! I'd never leave you, what made you think for a moment I'd be better off without you?!"

"You'd be safe."

"I was safe anyway! If you'd just told me what you were doing I could of shown them to you, we could of worked together! Side and by side, father and daughter, but you own interests made you become selfish."

"Calm down, Sen." Will said taking my hand into his. I quickly snatched it back and stood.

"No! I wont calm down!" My voice shouted in protest. "Do you know what it feels like-"

"Loosing a dad? Yes! Yes I do." Will replied and I felt my heart sink slightly, he didn't derserve me shouting at him, did he? My anger eased slighly before I looked to my Dad.

"We're not done, by the way." I told my Dad before walking away from everyone, their eyes burning down in the back of my skull. "Just leave me alone." I warned everyone whilst I walked away for a while, walking until I turned around to see the fire burning as just a small dot in the background before sitting on the ground cross legged. A sigh escaped my lips as I put my elbows on my knee, head in my hands. What have I got myself into, I thought. Could I really fight this? Fight against humans? The secret was out now, and everyone had to know of the autobots and decepticons by now, so could I deal with the glares of people who judged me? I'd never regret my choice, of taking them guys as my new family, but I regret somethings. Like asking about the hycher, questioning them and forming such a bond that I couldn't turn away from. A noise made me turn my head around to see Jazz who walked infront of me and sat down. "Did you not hear me when I said to leave me alone?"

"No no, I heard you. But I ignored it anyway." Jazz said shrugging his shoulders. "What'cha thinking then, kid?" He asked making me laugh softly. 

"I... I don't know anymore. I feel like I'm fighting an already lost battle, Jazz. I mean how on earth are we meant to fight against the human race if they turn against us?" 

"The way that you have, we teach them to trust us. Teach them to love."

"Some humans don't understand, love. It's not a word that means much some times." I told him making him frown, well in a way. I mean it's not exactly what you'd count as a frown unless you saw it. 

"What.. what do you mean?" 

"We've killed for no reason, for religions. People kill in order for their God. We don't understand the meaning of peace. What's peace without love?" I asked making him finally understand.

"This is going to be tricky."

"This is going to be difficult." I corrected him with a sigh. This was going to be a challenge, not to mention a possible death sentence. "Is Will mad at me?" 

"Will's not mad, he's worried. Little lady, you got quite the temper going when you want it."

"Or when I cant control it."

"Like then-" Jazz was interupted as Ironhide walked over. 

"I'm going to pick Sam up, he seems to be in shock." He informed us.

"Why?" I asked concerned.

"Carly... she didn't make it."

"Carly's dead?" I asked covering my mouth and the sudden rush of guilt ran through me. "Oh shit.." 

"Want to come with?" 

"No, I'll stay here." I shook my head before standing and walking back towards the others until Wolfie stood in my way, blocking my path. 

"Have you calmed?" Wolfie asked leaning down. "Your fath-"

"Stop defending him, Wolfie." I snapped looking away from the ground and up to her. "You're forgetting what he did, left you. Nearly handed you over." 

"He'd never hand me over." Wolfie protested and I scoffed. 

"He may not of said it but he said it with other words, by telling them all about you, hiding you away from sight, working with the goverment, why do you think they were in my house? Think about it, you're smart." And then I walked right past her, her head snapping to glare at my father with a snarl. 

"You betrayed me." 

"Me?" My father asking in a squeaky voice. "I, I never!" 

"Tell me you weren't going to hand me over." Wolfie demanded jumping to wolf form and prowling towards him, ears back. "Tell me!" My father shot his head down to ground as I sat next to Rob and Will, my eyes locked on his sorrowfilled movements. "I trusted you. How could you betray me?" Wolfie shouted.

"I.. I don't know. They wanted you, I couldn't of exactly say no."

"You could of." Prime stepped in, more than likely trying to calm Wolfie. "Senna did."

"Senna's a child." My father snarled viciously. "Senna knows nothing of what-"

"I know nothing of what you had to do? Are you being so pathetic?" I laughed shaking my head, clearly nothing changes. "I knew everything, maybe not then, but now I do." I snapped. "I learnt the meaning of family with these guys." I frowned before watching as Ironhide drove away to get Sam. "You betrayed them because you thought of no one but yourself, as perusual." I snapped making him look at me with anger. 

"You're so grounded." And then I heard Rob laugh. "You're in no place to laugh!" He shouted standing. 

"You're in no place to ground me!" I stood defending Rob. "You're a traitor! You make me sick to look at! Don't ever speak to me again." Walking towards Bee he lent over looking down at me. 

"You okay?" He asked and I just shrugged. I don't even know what I was anymore. "Want to sleep?" 

"Yeah." Bee transformed and opened his door letting me slip into the passenger seat and leaning it back before closing my eyes, the snapping of the door opening making me groan and open my eyes as Will stood there laying his coat over me. 

"Get some rest, I'll see you in the morning." He said leaning in the car and kissing my forehead softly before stepping away and shutting the door. A smile plastered on my face before the need to sleep overpowered me and I was forced into a panicked and frightening abyss. 

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