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"Anyone know how Elle is?" I asked looking at Will and Rob.

"She said she was making us a cake for when this all blown over." Rob told me with a grin. "I sure do love cake." 

"Yeah, hers are the best." I agreed before leaning back in the drivers seat and looking forward. My heart was still pounding, my mind spinning, stomach dancing and I don't understand how it all happened. Just a year ago I had no mother, then all of a sudden I bought a camero only be dragged into whatever world this was. Closing my eyes I look deep breathes, I found myself questioning everything I knew. I was fighting, but I wasn't a soilder. I was never a soilder, never a fighter yet I was fighting against the government and another alien race whilst allied with the other, since when did anyone of this scream normal? Or even look normal? They'd replaced my long night reads, summer parties, night swims without a world of danger, thrills, adventure, death and destruction, but I don't know if I wanted it. Realisation hit me and my eyes burst open only to see we'd parked somewhere and it was dark, Prime was still in truck formation as the others stood around what looked like a makeshift camp fire, I looked around and orange moutains filled the horizons, sand replaced the grass and only a few trees where within distant reach of my eye sight. I leant forward to see the others with logs around the fire. Prime's door opened for me and I tapped the steering wheel and jumped out, making everyones head dart to me and I held my hands up in surrender as Prime transformed. Wolfie took a step forward and it was a shock for a moment to see that she'd changed completely but then I remembered and I found myself relaxing. "What was that, that out there?" I asked her making everyone frown. "When you changed. That fake Ratchet  said you just upgraded," I took a few steps forward and took a seat next to Will on the log he was sitting on "what does that mean?" 

"I regenirated. My body had grown too old for the action I needed, and I needed to adapt more to this worlds surroundings in order to be stealthy, so I did in theory upgrade my body." Wolfie nodded as she stood on two feet.

"But you're younger, I mean how does that work?" I narrowed my eyes as my father cleared his throat. 

"May I, Wolfie?" He asked as Wolfie bowed her head with her eyes closed, I saw she still cared for him. "Think of it as a cat, if you will," my Dad said putting nine fingers up "cats are said to have nine lives, correct? An Ancient Wolf has a cycle of three regenerations, her last being the last regeneration he or she, in this case, would have, the last they would just have to see how long they'd last. Each regeneration would normally happen before they were about to die, if they're body had grown old, out of shape for the job they had to do in our case and the third being around the regeneration just being because it was over due, around every 150 years it happened." Everyones eyes widened. "I said that right, didn't I?" He asked as we all looked to Wolfie who nodded. 

"And which regeneration was that, Wolfie?" Ratchet asked making her eyes widen before going back to normal again. 

"Third." She spoke with sadness in her voice. "However I plan on sticking around for as long as I can." She nodded her head. "Back home on Cybertron they had rumours, legends as you call them." Wolfie told us walking towards the gap beside a standing Prime as she sat, every other Autobot sitting down down also, I looked around seeing Jazz and Bee sat just behind me, and I took a breath to relax. "They had stories of the Great Wolf, the wolf who never died. Her regeneratoin cycle was, uncharted, she could conquer any battle she was forced to, she had one side, the good side, which we believe to be the autobots, however this legend was rumoured to be of the days to come. She was rumoured to leave Cybertron when they learnt of it's fate, knowing she could do nothing, so she ran to another planet, to help to save it from the fate of Cybertron, but she was also rumoured to leave for her brother, the brother she was fighting alongside, and when he went, she had to find him before the person who wanted him dead did." Wolfie rose a brow. "Every wolf dreamt to know or even be this wolf. They said the wolf still fought for Cybertron until the days of its last." She shrugged. "All I know, is that Cybertron had always been destined to be ruined if even she couldn't save it. She was told to also bring back to race of the wolves, bring them back to being strong, how is a question only she can answer, if she's still out there. Maybe she's scattered almong the stars looking for a home. Or maybe I'm all thats left." 

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