The speech.

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We all sat on the doorstep talking, yet no words came out of our mouths. Will stood beside a standing Prime, Prime stood next to Bumblebee, Bee next to Ratchet, Ratchet next to a standing on all fours Wolfie and I sat on the doorstep next to Elle, who was holding the cup of coffee in her hands that tight that her knuckles were turning white ever so slowly.

"Anyone got a plan?" Elle called out making everyone turn their attention away from me and to her.

"The mess that she's put herself into, may be a mess only she can get out." Wolfie said shaking her head ever so slightly. Will looked at me with an unreadable look, but that didn't mean I didn't feel the judge mental glares that everyone stabbed me with. 

"We can't just sit here... we have to think of something!" Bee demanded moving forward slightly.

"Can we make a decoy?" I asked looking down to the ground whilst fiddling with my thumbs. "A copy of the hycher, but a good copy, enough to put them off for a while?" 

"A copy? What do you think we are, mechanics?" Wolfie asked shaking her head. "Do you not understand the jeopardy you've put yourself and us into?" 

"They're asking for you too, whatever this has to do with me, you're in it just as bad!" I shouted standing up. "I did what I had to do in order to clear my best friends name, and if getting myself put in jail means her safety, then I'll do it. It's nothing any of you wouldn't of done for me plenty of times!" I panted placing a hand on my chest. "And the moment I do something to help, you guys treat me like I'm pointing a gun to your heads?" I asked looking around, everyone of them looking down at me with guilt. "Look at what they're doing to us without even trying, whatever we have here, the connections we have built with each other, it's all we have. We're all we have, each one of us has our own burden to bear, and it's up to all of us to help. Now if you're unwilling to help me, or eachother, just go, we don't need you here, but if you are willing to put whatever life you have on the line in order to fighting for a greater cause, then I suggest you start showing it. I'm not the leader, I never have been, but I'll be damned if I see this team falling apart infront of our very eyes. I've seen it, and I know some of you have too." I sighed running a hand through my hair and groaning. "So I'm asking you, everyone of you," I looked over my shoulder to Elle as she stood to look at me with a frown before looking back to the others, Elle joining the side of Will "stand and defend your family, or run from whatever we have here and don't look back." 

"She's right." Prime said. "We've been at each others throat, as the humans say. Senna, Elle, Will, the danger you may be facing, you'll be turning your back on your own kind. Are you able to do that if you need to?" Elle nodded before saying.

"They brought this on, we're well overdue on our pay back." 

"I learnt to fight beside the good guys, I just hadn't learnt the difference. I'm with you no matter what, and I'm sure Rob will be, should we call him?" Will asked.

"Do you know where he lives?" Ratchet asked and Will nodded in reply. "Then take me there." Ratchet transformed and Will made his way back towards him, Prime looking back at me.

"And you?" 

"It's metal over blood Prime, it always has been." I nodded with a smile before watching as Will looked at me briefly with a smile that made my stomach feel like butterflies before jumping into Ratchet's passenger side and driving away. 

"Wherever this is going to lead us... I'll stand by your side." Bee told me. 

"You don't need to question where my loyalty lies." Ironhide nodded and the silence broke out as we waited for Wolfie's reply, all of us turning to look at her. 

"The looks you're giving me suggest that you're unable to tell of where I belong? Where my loyalty lies, am I right?" Wolfie said.

"Why do you have to make everything sound like a riddle, just a simple yes or no would do. You sound like my grandmother." Elle scoffed rolling her eyes, making me grin.

"I stand with you, not against." Wolfie bowed her head and I smiled brightly as a small lightbuld pinged in my brain. 

"I have an idea!" Turning to Elle I looked at her tilting my head at her showing roots. "You need a change of hair colour, a major change, one were we cant tell exactly it's you." I grinned. "How about dark purple with your fringe electric blue?" 

"Do you mean like a plum colour?" She squinted her eyes. 

"That could work. Go buy it, Bee take her and make sure she's safe."

"They'll know his colours." Prime stated.

"If you go just outside the forest, there's a small blue house with a ran down black 1970 camaro with yellow, take it's colours," Bee changed his stance from determind to 'what the actual hell?' within a matter of seconds "no questioning Bee, you go back to being the same colours you were when this has all blown over, I promise. Prime, how long do we have left?"

"Seventeen hours." 

"Well thinking that Will and Ratchet are going to be gone for another hour at least, I'm going to make them something in the oven for when they come back, because they'll be hungry after I tell them." 

"Tell them what?" 

"The plan that's dancing around my skull."

"Any need to be so dramatic?" Elle asked with a laugh. 

"You're standing next to a mechanical alien, Elle, there's every need." 

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