chapter one: the adventure begins

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Author's notes: Hey guys. It's the start of my very first story. I hope you can find it enjoyable and not too boring. This chapter is more of a setup in the beginning, however, as the end of the chapter comes, the setup will be over. Before I start the chapter, Let me write some notes here for y'all so you'd know what you're getting into.

In this story, Naruto is going to be super OP. He can do just about anything. From general knowledge and strength to pleasing women and sexual mind games.

In this fanfic, the academy graduation is at the age of sixteen. I do it so that we wouldn't have twelve years old children running around Naked and fucking each other. Also, No one wants to read about Naruto fucking a chopping board.

This story is rated M for sexuality, Adult scenes (lemons) Language and violence.

I think that's all for now. If I have anything else, I'll write about it in the next chapter.

Chapter one: the adventures begin.

*village hidden in the leaves, five years after the Kyuubi attack*

A young boy was running away from a mob of angry villagers who were throwing empty bottles at him and some other things. 'What have I never done wrong to those guys?' Naruto asked himself. Finally, one of the villagers threw an empty glass bottle that hit the boy in his head, causing him to fall down.

Once the mob caught up to him, they started to beat him up. "You will pay for killing my wife, you demon" one of the villagers shouted. "My name isn't Demon, my name is Naruto" the boy replied weakly just as a fist connected with his face, knocking him out. After a while of beating on the unconscious boy, rain started to fall as all of the villagers left, leaving the unconscious and bitten boy on the floor.

*inside of Naruto's mind*

Naruto woke up in a sewer as he looked around. Suddenly, he heard someone crying. He followed the voice and saw a huge cage. Inside the cage was a woman who seemed to be on her knees, crying. Naruto was curious so he walked through the bars of the cage and towards the woman. When he was a few steps away from her, he poked her in the shoulder. "Excuse me, Mrs. Is everything alright?" Naruto asked.

The woman turned to him and stared at him as she stopped crying. Naruto cowered under her gaze just before she jumped forward. "Please don't hurt me" he said weakly but was pleasantly surprised when the woman hugged him.

"I'm so sorry Naruto'' she whispered as she started to cry again. Naruto felt uneasy at having a woman that he doesn't know hugging him while crying and apologising. "Why are you apologizing?" Naruto asked as he rubbed her back, trying to help her calm down.

After a few minutes, the woman calmed down. "i'm the reason the villagers hate you and hurt you. My name is Kurama but you most likely know me as Kyuubi. I was sealed inside you by your father, the 4th hokage, Minato Namikaze, after someone pulled me out of my previous host, your mother, the red death of the leaf, Kushina Uzumaki." she said, letting go of Naruto and looking at his shocked face.

When she let go, Naruto finally got a good look of her body and he had to admit, she was beautiful. Kurama had red hair with red slitted eyes, she wore a red kimono that hugged her body tightly, she had a nice D cup sized breast and a pretty face.

"The stupid villagers think that you are me, the Kyuubi. so they hurt you, Naruto, they hurt you because of me. Now before we keep our conversation going, i want you to tell me what you think about me, what you really think about me." Naruto placed his hand at his chin in a thinking pose.

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