Chapter six: new eyes, hot chef and a sultry swordswoman.

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Author's notes: hey guys and girls. I'm back with a new chapter. It might be shorter than normal but it's kind of a setup chapter so stay with me for a bit.

Before we get into recap, I would like to say something. A lot of you guys are commenting from guest accounts and I can't reply to them. I get a lot of people tell me that sometimes I mix up Ash and Naruto. What I have to tell you guys is that I really don't care. You get what I mean and I need to write two chapters of each story every week which means that I have both Pokemon and Naruto on my head pretty much all of the time. Even while I'm writing my Naruto story, I get ideas for my Pokemon story and vice versa. And yes, for those of you who are wondering, I have a pretty bad case of ADHD which means that most of the time I can't focus on only one thing.

Anyway, I'm sorry for my rant once again.


Naruto killed gato and got his money before he went off to fuck tsunami. A few days later, Naruto went to pick the bounty from Mei and made her into a good little slave.

They made it back to the leaf where Naruto talked with Hiruzen about his plans for the near future.

Chapter six: new eyes, hot chef and a sultry swordswoman.

It was the night of the day Naruto came back to the leaf. Since no one actually knew that Naruto was leaving at the Namikaze estate, Naruto left a clone at his old apartment so if anyone came to harass him, they would find him there.

That was the case that night as two Anbu broke into Naruto's apartment. The Naruto clone was easily able to knock them out and time them up before dispeling, letting the original know what happened.

Naruto left some clones with the girls before putting his pants on and teleporting to the apartment. He made it there and found the two anbu tied up. He noticed that they were not real ANBU since they didn't have an animal on their masks and instead they had the kanji for root on the middle of their blank mask.

Naruto grinned, "I've been waiting for this day to come for a long time." he said with a grin before he grabbed the fake ANBU and disappeared.

Since it was only eight thirty, Hiruzen was still in his office and so, Naruto went straight to him. "Old man, I've got a present for you" Naruto called as he appeared in the middle of the room with both Anbu and tossed them on the floor.

"I finally have the proof I need to kill him and get myself a pair of cool red eyes," Naruto said enthusiastically. Hiruzen returned Naruto's smile in a rare moment of relieved happiness.

"Go on. Leave those two here and get this over with." Hiruzen said. Naruto grinned and waved. "Have fun with those two. I'll come back tomorrow to show you my new eyes." Naruto said before he disappeared in a yellow flash.

Since he was gone, he never noticed how two of the four ANBU guards the hokage had started to drool at his naked torso. Those two were the female ones. One of them in particular was not only drooling but really wet at that sight. She had long purple hair and a cat mask.

She was actually one of the few people who knew who Naruto's parents were as she was his mother's Kenjutsu student. She always had a small crush on Minato but left it because of her respect for Kushina. However, now seeing his son's naked torso and almost copy face was almost too much for her.

She decided that she would jump him after he was done tomorrow since he said that he would come back.

Back with Naruto. Naruto has just sat down on his father's stone head and started to meditate. He closed his eyes and started to sense around him. He searched for a few minutes before he found the person who he was looking for.

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