Chapter two: kicking ass at the graduation exams

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Author's notes: Hey guys. I'm back with another chapter. I hope you guys will like it.

Now onto the Recap.


Naruto met up with Kurama and they became friends. Naruto has been training under Kurama and Kakashi for years. When naruto was 14, he had sex with kurama and eversense that day, Kurama has been addicted to his cock. After a few weeks, Ino had sex with Naruto as well and they became regular fuck buddys or lovers. When Naruto was 16 he was already able to defeat both Kakashi and Hiruzen at the same time and got permission to leave the village on his mercenary adventures. About half a year before he left, Naruto started living in the Namikaze estate and learned his parents' jutsus. After Naruto left, he summoned a three tailed fox named kury who would be accompanying him on his travels. Where we left off, Naruto just saved a girl from a few bullies and she told him that her name was Karin Uzumaki.

Chapter two: kicking ass at the graduation exams.

Karin saw that Naruto looked as if he already knew her name and got a little nervous. "You look like you already knew my name" she stated. Naruto scratched the back of his head, "you see. I kinda did. Though I didn't know from the start, I only realised when I got a good look at your hair." naruto said with a nervous chuckle.

Karin tilted her head to the side, "what does that supposed to mean?" she asked. Naruto grinned and placed his hand out for her to shake. "I'm Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki. You and I are the last survivors of the Uzumaki clan. I am a ninja of the leaf village and I was sent here on a mission to see if you would like to join the leaf." Naruto said as Karin's eyes widened.

Naruto saw her hesitation and decided to prove his point. A golden chain sprouted out of Naruto's palm and wrapped itself around Karin's arm, lifting it up to Naruto's so they could shake hands.

When Karin saw the chain, she started to tear up. "I haven't seen that chain for 10 years. Not eversense my mother died." she whispered and instead of shaking Naruto's hand, she hugged him tightly and started to cry into his chest.

Naruto held her close to him and started to stroke her back. Naruto and Karin were still in the alleyway that Karin got attacked in so they got no interruptions.

After about five minutes, Karin stopped her crying and looked up at Naruto only for her stomach to grumble again. Karin turned a shade of red that would put hinata to shame and buried her head into Naruto's chest. Naruto giggled as he patted her head.

Without pulling her head out of Naruto's chest Karin spoke. "How is it that there is another Uzumaki alive? Before she died, my mother told me that the only Uzumaki alive other than us was some woman from the leaf. Her name was..." Karin was cut off when Naruto finished. "Kushina Uzumaki." Naruto said and Karin raised her head to look at him in surprise.

"She was my mother. Though she died sixteen years ago so either your mother wasn't updated or she most likely didn't know." Naruto said. Karin nodded as they separated and walked out of the alleyway.

When they walked out of the alleway, they saw a pretty big fox waiting at the exit. "Hey, naruto-sama" the fox said. Karin jumped into Naruto's arms in surprise as she looked at the fox. "There is nothing to be afraid of, Karin. This is my summoning fox, Kury" Naruto said as he lowered Karin back to the ground.

Karin nodded and crouched down in front of the fox, giving her a pet on the head. "I see you found our target." Kury said, looking at naruto. Naruto nodded as he rubbed Karin's back, signaling to her that it was time to stop harassing the poor fox. "Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving" Naruto said as he walked off, followed by both Karin and Kury.

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