Chapter twelve: the start of the exams

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Author's notes: hey guys and girls, I'm back. I'm happy to say that I am starting two new stories in the near future. One will be a single pairing, no lemons Naruto story and the other will be a mostly lemons Pokemon story. I will try to upload the new stories every other week, meaning that one week I'll be uploading one chapter of 'the yellow fox', 'god's champion' and one of the new ones. I really do hope you would like them as I have done my best to make sure they come out good. This week I'll be posting the regular two chapters along with the first chapter of my new Naruto single pairing story.

Now that the announcements are out of the way, I'm happy to say that you have commented and decided that I'll be reviving Kushina and Mikoto into Naruto's harem. I'll make sure that it happens as soon as possible.

I got a comment which I would like to answer as It is one I'm getting rather often.

From: Guest


:Could you add Sakura to naruto's harem please

Fine. I wanted to keep it a secret but yes. I will. However, before all of you Sakura haters in my crowd start to hate me, let me explain.

I got a suggestion from one of you to have Sakura annoy Naruto so much that he would be forced to completely reprogram her with his Kotoamatsukami. That would be when he would make her into the lowest kind of slave at his estate.

I don't know about the lowest kind of slave part. However, reprogramming her completely sounds great and I will do it sometime soon.


Naruto got mei to the leaf for the time of the chunin exam and had made her students a part of his girls as well.

After he was done with Mei, Naruto went over to the hotel where the sand team was staying at and freed Shukaku, making her into a loyal slave.

Chapter twelve: the start of the exams

It was the day before the start of the first exam and in the Namikaze estate there was something of a party. The only man that lived in the estate was sitting inside of his hot spring with Kurama on his right, Chomei on his left and under the water, Shukaku had his cock balls deep in her throat with his thighs over her head, preventing her from going up for air.

All four of them were naked with both of the above water busty women pressing themselves into our favorite blond. Finally, after a few minutes of being submerged, Naruto released his thighs from the woman's head and she shot straight up, panting and gasping for hair while slightly coughing.

Naruto smacked her face before grabbing her hair and pulling her onto him in a heated kiss. They made out for a few seconds, Shukaku moaning into his mouth as he violated her mouth and bit down on her lower lip.

They broke their kiss and Naruto settled with Shukaku on his lap. He roughly fondled her breasts, pulling and twisting her nipples. "You like it when I'm rough with you, don't you?" he whispered in her ear, smacking her tits.

Shukaku nodded. "Yes master. I love it when you are rough with me!" she shouted as Naruto pinched her clit and made her orgasem.

Just then, the window that separated the house from the backyard opened and the rest of the girls came out, all of them already naked as per his request. They all got into the hot spring and stood in a few lines in front of him. The first few lines were composed of Haku, Yugao, Yuuri, Mei and the rest of the girls who consider Naruto their master, all of which bowed towards him while the other girls just looked at him, waiting for him to say whatever he wanted. Naruto stood up, pushing his three Bijuu to stand before him, making the first line.

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