chapter five: plans for the near future

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Team seven got a C-rank mission to wave but at the start of the mission they were attacked by two chunin level missing nin and that made the mission go from a C-rank to a high B to low A-rank.

After they decided to continue, they encountered Zabuza and were eventually forced to call Naruto. After they did, Naruto told them to continue with their mission while he took care of Zabuza.

After he shoved a rasengan into Zabuza's stomach, Haku came and took Zabuza away but not before Naruto could mark both Haku and Zabuza with his flying raijin marker.

After a few days, Naruto and his team went to have dinner with Tazuna's family and team seven. During the dinner, Naruto did two things. One was to snap at Inari and the other was to get Tsunami wetter than she ever was.

The next day, Naruto felt Haku's marker far from Zabuza's marker and decided that it was time. He went and captured her. After he captured her, he fucked her into submission and made sure that she was so in love with his cock that she wouldn't want to go back to Zabuza.

After he got Haku to love him and want to stay with him, Naruto captured Zabuza and dropped him off at the mist village.

While in mist, Naruto met Ao who is the second in command at the rebel's camp in the mist as well as Mei who is the rebel leader.

After some talking, Naruto told Mei who he was behind the mask and eventually got her so wet for him that she was practically begging him to fuck her but naruto wanted her on her knees so he teased her a bit and teleported away with a promise to come back in a week

chapter five: plans for the near future

*a few days later*

It was the day that the bridge would be finished and so everyone went to guard it. On the bridge were Naruto, Karin and Kury with their masks and uniform as well as Haku, Saru, Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke and Tazuna.

Tazuna and his workers were working on the bridge while Naruto was chatting with his girls. Suddenly, Naruto sensed about two hundred small chakra signatures approaching the bridge.

He saw that Karin sensed it as well. He gave her a nod before getting up and turning to his fellow ninja.

"Gato and his army will be here in about 30 seconds. I ask that you don't step in and simply let me handle it." he said, not really asking.

Before any of them could say anything, Naruto's head snapped towards where Tazuna's house was before he smirked.

*Meanwhile with naruto's clone*

Naruto made a clone so that it could stay and protect Tsunami and Inari before he joined everyone at the bridge.

After a few minutes, the clone smiled as he saw a group of about twenty thugs burst into Tazuna's house and come back out with both Tsunami and Inari.

'I think I'll let them lead me to their camp' Naruto thought to himself before he started to follow the group of thugs.

After a while, they made it to Gato's main slave camp. Just where he keeps the people he captures and plans on selling to slavery.

Just before the thugs could enter the camp, a figure dropped in front of them.

"Let them go and run away if you want to live," Naruto said.

The thugs laughed at him while both Inari and Tsunami sighed in relief at seeing Naruto.

"I take it, this is a no," Naruto said. The biggest thug walked forward and stood in front of Naruto.

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