Chapter sixteen: Mom?

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Author's notes: Hello everyone, I'm back with another chapter. I hope you will enjoy this chapter as usual.

For this chapter, I will not be writing Recap but if it is something you want me to do, tell me in the reviews and I'll go back to writing it.

Chapter sixteen: Mom?

Naruto stood with Kury to his right and Karin behind him with her back to him. Karin was drawing a sealing array around a large, human-shaped crystal.

As she did, Naruto and Kury stood defensively in front of her, making sure that the enemy team wouldn't attack them while she did.

"I'm done, the crystal is safe now. I will stay to power the barrier so feel free to go destroy their's." Karin declared, standing up and looking at the backs of her teammates.

Naruto nodded his head. "Alright, Kury, let's do it!" he shouted.

Naruto and Kury ran forward into the forest where Naruto sensed the enemy team.

Both Naruto and Kury quickly jumped up as what seemed to be a very long arm came out of the ground, trying to grab them.

After they dodged, something dashed out of the woods and tried to grab Naruto's hand only to catch an after image.

Naruto quickly stomped the ground, causing five big rocks to shoot into the air. He punched the rocks, sending them flying towards the man who jumped out of the forest.

Just before the rocks could hit, someone jumped in front of the man, the rocks all hitting his back only to stretch it and shoot back towards Naruto.

Naruto easily deflected the rocks with a single hand. "You have an interesting power... to be able to stretch your body like rubber..." he commented towards the quite literally stretching man.

He turned around and smirked. "You two stand no chance against me and my friend Misumi. After all, he has the power to absorb chakra!" he said as he laughed evilly.

Naruto sweatdropped with Kury as they watched the other gym, Misumi as the rubber man called him, hit said man over the head. "Damn it Yoroi! Why did you have to go off telling them what I can do! Now they will never go into close combat with me!" Misumi shouted.

Yoroi smashed his own forehead. "I told them you can absorb chakra, I didn't tell them that you can do it only with your hands! As far as they knew, you could even do it from a distance!" he shouted back.

Misumi smacked Yoroi's head again. "I just said close combat! I didn't tell them that I could only use it with my arms! Now I'm totally useless!" he shouted.

The two glared at each other only to snap out of their fight when they saw Naruto and Kury leaving the clearing towards where Naruto could sense the chakra of their crystal.

"Hey, come back here! We are not done with you!" Yoroi shouted.

Naruto and Kury stopped and turned back to the two Konohagakure shinobi.

Naruto sighed. "Kury, let's get this over with... I assume he can't absorb long range attacks and the other one can't stretch to block flames. Give me fire but not too much. I don't feel like using water Ninjutsu to put out the flames after we burn the whole forest. Damn water style ninjutsu and their hand seals..." he said, mumbling the last part and Kury nodded.

She went through a few hand seals. "Fire style: Fireball jutsu." she said and breathed a relatively small amount of fire from her mouth.

Naruto breathed out a small gust of wind and used it to control the fire. "Wind style: controlled winds" he said lazily.

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