Chapter nine: marking my property

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Author's notes: hey guys and girls, I'm back with a new chapter. I really want to thank you guys and girls for the support, it really means a lot to know that you like my story. I started it purely because there wasn't a story that contained the things that I loved in it (overpowered main character, harem, my style of lemons and all of the other things that are found only in my story). After I started, I quickly got bored and thanks to my ADHD just went over to things that interested me more like games and Anime so I just decided to throw whatever chapters I had ready into the Internet and see if other people will like it. However, I never expected to get over 20,000 views in fanfiction and 1.2k full reads in wattpad for my Naruto story as well as over 10,000 views on fanfiction and a thousand full reads in wattpad for my pokemon story. Seriously, your support is amazing and so encouraging. I seriously think that Without your support I would never have been able to get past chapter three of each of my stories and I want to thank you all for that.

BTW, if anyone is interested in reading the original version of this story, tell me and I might think about it. I was able to get to the end of Chapter ten, and after the first round of the final exam in the Chunin exams. It was written like garbage so I went to rewrite it and got bored along the way...

If any of you have anything you didn't understand about the chapter, please, ask. It might be a little bit hard to understand from this chapter so please, I like talking to you guys, it gives me a break from writing and refreshes my memories.

Anyway, that was a little about how I got into this story. Now onto the recap.


After Naruto and his Bijuu were done in the council meeting, Naruto sent A clone to go pick Anko and Ino up while he went into his Kamui to get the Maid outfit that he created for Yugao and Haku.

The next morning they had a mission with team eight. Naruto was able to get out of that Mission after he made both Kurenai and Hinata his.

They came back home after they were done with their mission and Naruto got Kurenai and Anko to move into his house. He fucked all of the present girls unconscious before getting out to his backyard and getting Kurama out.

Naruto then proceeded to use seals along with earth and water style ninjutsu to create the Namikaze estate's very own hot spring.

He had fun in the hot spring with Kurama for about an hour before he left with her and got her to suck him off under the table while he worked on some seals.

Chapter nine: marking my property

It was about an hour later, after Naruto got into his study room that he was done with both of the seals that he was working on.

He pulled Kurama from under the table and thanked her for her help with a kiss. "Alright, I want you to come with me. I'm gonna go wake the girls up and place my seal on them. I want you to go outside and wait there. Once I'm done with a girl, I'll send her outside to the hot spring. You just make sure that they do not enter without removing their clothes first." he explained to which she nodded.

Before she could leave, Naruto grabbed her hand. "From today on, every single one of my girls will have this collar on them as well as my seal. This is my way of marking them as mine and making other people know that they are mine. Since you are switching bodies every time you come out, I will not put the seal on you. However, I want you to add this collar on yourself." he said as he held a collar out to Kurama.

The collar was made out of leather with a steel hoop where the back of the neck is. On the front of the neck was a decent sized diamond with the letters N, U and N again carved into it. The letters standing for Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze.

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