Chapter ten: getting to know the competition

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Author's notes: hey guys, I'm back with a new chapter. I wanna say that even though I hoped to maybe get three chapters in two weeks, I don't think it'll be possible. I barely had time to finish the two I uploaded today so you guys and girls will have to make do with one chapter per week until the beginning of September when I go back to studying.

I've got some suggestions from you all for more girls to give Naruto and I thank you all for it. As you know, I would like to make this story quite long since I think longer fics are more enjoyable to read and so, I need your help. Please, if anyone has any Ideas for original missions, please tell me. Right now, I have a few Ideas so let me tell them to you just in case you thought about something similar.

*spoiler alert, if you aren't interested in giving me Ideas for scenes, or simply do not want to know what missions Naruto will go to, please skip this. BTW, I will not be going into detail about the missions, only saying where he will go and a very general description of what happens there*

So first, I have the mission that Naruto will take straight after the final exam, which is the mission to end the war at the mist village. There Naruto will fight alongside a few of his girls and end the war. Will he obtain the sanbi? You'll have to wait to find out.

Next will be one day after he came back from the mist. Naruto will go to the academy and help Iruka teach his class. That's where he will meet the next class that will graduate.

After he is done in the academy, Naruto was sent on a mission along with Jiraiya, Kury and Karin where they got Tsunade back to the village.

Once they were back with tsunade, Naruto and Karin left after informing Tsunade to go to the ruins of Uzushiogakure or the whirlpool village where they'll find something pretty amazing.

Next, Naruto is gonna go on a solo mission by the request of one perverted old sannin. The mission is to record a movie of his book with the same princess who recently reclaimed her position as a princess with the help of team seven.

After Naruto is done with his movie he teleported back home only to find it one Uchiha short. He went after Sasuke and on that same mission, he got himself two new slaves.

When Naruto came back from his mission, he decided to go back to the village where he and a few of his girls took on a few genin teams, Naruto's own consisting of the dead last, the lead student and the smart one. Miraculously, all of which were females.

Now I have no idea what I'll do in between but I would like to take Naruto, his girls and their respective teams to the cloud village for another chunin exam.

*End of spoilers and start of Recap*

Naruto finished his own curse mark and after removing Orochimaru's mark from Anko, he placed his own on every single one of his girls, including those who were away. The next day, Naruto, Anko, Karin, Kury and Chomei went on a mission along with team ten. The mission was easily finished and Naruto got a good fuck out of it. Once they were back, Naruto explained to Hiruzen about his cursed seal and showed him the new hot spring he made for himself and the girls.

Chapter ten: getting to know the competition

Every single one of the jonin and the chunin of the hidden leaf village was at the hokage's office. They all stood in a few lines in front of Hiruzen's desk where he sat.

"Hello everyone and thank you all for coming. As you may know, in about a week the hidden leaf village will be hosting the biggest chunin exam in shinobi history in which there will be teams for the leaf as well as Cloud, Rock, Mist, Sand, Waterfall, Rain, Grass and more. I called you all here so you could recommend your teams for the exam. Let's start with the rookies, every team of rookies has already done more than the mission needed in order to register so it's up to you. If you think your genin are skilled enough, you are welcome to sign them in." Hiruzen said.

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